Tadeusz Sawik, PhD, ScD


Chair of the Department of Operations Research and Information Technology

AGH University

of Science and Technology

Al. Mickiewicza 30

30-59 Kraków, Poland

tel: +48 12 617 39 92

fax: +48 12 617 39 84

e-mail: ghsawik@cyf-kr.edu.pl

Professor Tadeusz Sawik received


the MS degree with honors in mechanical engineering,

the PhD degree in control engineering,

the ScD (habilitation) degree in operations research,

all from AGH University, 

the State title of Professor from the President of Poland, Lech Wałęsa.

He has been a visiting professor in Japan, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and USA and  has served as a research advisor of Motorola Advanced Technology Center (Schaumburg, IL).  Five times he received the Scientific Excellence Award from the Minister of Science and Higher Education.

He has published numerous books, among others Production Planning and Scheduling in Flexible Assembly Systems, Springer, 1998, Scheduling in Supply Chains Using Mixed Integer Programming, Wiley, 2011, and more than 150 individual articles in refereed journals. His articles have appeared in Computers & Operations Research, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics,  International Journal of Production Research,  Journal of Electronics Manufacturing,  Journal of the Operational Research Society, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Omega, and others. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services  (AGH University Press).

His current research interests are in the area of supply chain optimization, risk management, scheduling and integer programming.

          The less unnecessary constraints the better the obtained results