Krzysztof Muszka, MEng, PhD, DSc

Dr Krzysztof Muszka

AGH University of Krakow
Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science
Department of Metal Forming and Metallurgical Engineering

30 Mickiewicza Ave, 30-059 Krakow, Poland

Phone: +48 12 617 25 76
Fax: +48 12 617 33 39




  • 1998 – 2003 AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Science
  • 2003 – Masters of Engineering degree (MEng) in Metallurgy (specialization: metal forming)
  • 2003 –  2008 AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Department of Metal Forming (Ph.D. studies)
  • 2008 – Ph.D. degree at the AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science
  • 2016 – D.Sc. degree at the AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science


  • 2020 – present – Head of Department, Department of Metal Forming, AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Krakow, Poland
  • 2020 – present – Group Leader, Thermomechanical Processing Research Team, Department of Metal Forming, AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Krakow, Poland
  • 2018 – present – Associate Professor, AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Krakow, Poland
  • 2008 – 2018 – Assistant Professor, AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Krakow, Poland
  • 2011 – 2017 – Visiting Researcher. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Sheffield. United Kingdom
  • 2008 – 2011 – Postdoctoral Research Associate, Institute for Microstructural and Mechanical Process Engineering: The University of Sheffield (IMMPETUS), The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
  • 2007 – 2008 – Lecturer, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland


My fields of interests include the thermomechanical processing of metals and alloys, particularly the interrelationship between processing parameters, microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of metals and alloys. My current research interests focuses on the effects of grain refinement on the deformation and strengthening mechanisms in metals subjected to Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD), study of the dynamic behavior of materials (under high strain rate conditions), and the effects of strain path changes on microstructure evolution. The overall aim of this research is to develop physically-based models for prediction of mechanical behavior of the materials (including damage and fracture evolution). My current work involves various engineering metals and alloys such as microalloyed steels, aerospace titanium and high entropy alloys. I am also interested in developing innovative, incremental metal forming processes (accumulative angular drawing, single point incremental forming, forming with the use of magnetic field) – mainly for aerospace and biomedical applications.


  • 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023 – Visiting Academic, Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia – 1 month stays
  • 2020 – August – scientific visit, Institute of Metal Forming, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
  • 2011 – October – Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
  • 2006 – (2 months) – Visiting Academic, Centre for Material and Fiber Innovation, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia
  • 2005 – (6 months) – Visiting Academic, Faculty of Science and Technology, Deakin University, Geelong Australia


Participation in 35 research projects in the past 15 years. Selected projects are listed below:

  1. Development of unified implantological kit for minimally invasive correction of thoratic defects along with the dedicated necessary surgery instruments, Medical Research Agency, Poland, 2022/ABM/02/00008, 2022-2025. Principal Investigator
  2. RapidSheet: rapid prototyping of sheet metal parts using intelligent 3D printed dies, CORNET: COllective Research NETworking: Sirris R&D (Belgium), AGH (Poland), University of Bremen (Germany), Frauhofer IWU (Germany), 2021-2023, Investigator
  3. Development of production technology of thin profile wires from hard-deformable steel of limited dimensional tolerances and significant improvement in surface quality used for welding precise wedge wire screens of new characteristics including definite screens (strict), POIR.01.01.01 0961/19-00, 2020-2023. Principal Investigator
  4. Manufacturing of innovative products on a hybrid line for the production of pipes with metallic coatings, with the simultaneous tightening of dimensional tolerances, using the magnetic flux for qualitative tests. POIR.01.01.01-00-0510/18 2018-2022, Principal Investigator
  5. Innovative technology of manufacturing of large-scale rings for the use in the most difficult operating conditions for the shipbuilding and offshore industries, POIR.01.02.00-00-0086/19, 2020-2023. Principal Investigator
  6. Development of low-waste explosive cladding technology and processing technology of multilayer, high strength, light and super light materials with reactive and functional layers as well as plates cladded explosively with reactive metals and its alloys. Project: Polish National Centre for Research and Development TECHMATSTRATEG2/412341/8/NCBR/2019 2019-2022. Investigator
  7. Development of a comprehensive methodology for determination of the through scale rheological properties under accelerated microstructure recovery conditions of advanced Ti alloys for aerospace applications. National Science Center Poland, 2016-2019. Budget: 1.1mln PLN. Principal Investigator
  8. Syntactic, multiscale computational models of high-performance for materials with limited ductility. National Science Center Poland, 2016-2019. Budget: 664k PLN. Investigator
  9. Innovative Forging and Fabrication Solutions for the Energy Sector. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Technology Strategy Board, UK, 2015-2018. Budget:2 mln GBP. Investigator
  10. The development of novel manufacturing techniques for nuclear applications. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Technology Strategy Board, UK, 2013-2015. Budget:2 mln GBP. Investigator
  11.  Advancement of castings in the Nuclear Supply Chain. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Technology Strategy Board, UK, 2013-2015. Budget: 2mln GBP. Investigator
  12. Unconventional, nonlinear and dynamic deformation conditions of austenite as a way of shaping the morphology of its transformation products. National Science Center Poland, 2013-2016. Budget: 400k PLN. Principal Investigator
  13. IMMPETUS Phase III Programme New Framework for Hybrid Through Process Modelling, Process Simulation and Optimization in the Metals Industry. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK, 2008-2012. Budget: 5 mln GBP. Investigator etapu: 3.1: Through process experimental simulation and core 1.2: The effect of non-linear and dynamic process conditions on microstructure
  14. Optimisation of finishing processes for eliminating rectification of plate and section products (OPTIFIN). European Commission, Research Fund for Coal and Steel, 2007-2010. Budget: 1.25mln EUR. Investigator


  • Books edited: 2
  • Book chapters: 4
  • Impact Factor journal papers: 51
  • Other peer-reviewed journal papers: 11
  • Conference proceedings: 115
  • Citations without self-citations: 419 (WoS); 539 (Scopus)
  • Hirsch index: 14 (WoS); 16 (Scopus)

  • Web of Science     ORCID iD icon 


    • Member of Organizing Committee of XXVII Seminar of Polish Materials Science Society, 12–14 Sep 2024, Krakow, Poland
    • Member of Scientific Committee of 30th International Conference on Forming 2024 Conference, 4–7 Sep 2024, Szklarska Poreba, Poland
    • Member of Scientific Committee of International Conference on Ligthweight Materials and Manufacture, Shenzen, 23–26 Oct 2023, Shenzhen, China
    • Organizer of Symmposium: Rolling 2023: Processess-Tools-Products, 11 Mar 2023, Zakopane, Poland
    • Member of Scientific Committee of 4th International Ingot Casting Rolling Forging (ICRF) Conference, 21–23 June 2022, Pittsburgh, USA
    • Chair of International Conference on Metal Forming 2024, 2020, 2016, Krakow, Poland
    • Co-organiser of session Multi Scale Modeling of Deformation Processes, MS&T 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, USA
    • Co-organiser of Symposium: Through Scale Numerical Modeling of Mechanical Behavior of Ultrafine-grained (UFG) and Nanostructured (NS) Materials during 13th WCCM 2018, New York, USA
    • Chairman of the sessions during various international conferences: Metal Forming 2012, Krakow; MS&T 2012 Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, USA; KomPlasTech 2013, Zakopane,
    • Member of Editorial Board of International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture (Elsevier)
    • Member of Board of Reviewers (Key Reader) in Metallurgical Transactions – 2012-2018
    • Active reviewer of various journals published by Elsevier and Springer
    • Reviewer (External Examiner) of 5 PhD theses:
      • Study of thermal fatigue resistance of hot work tool steel, Mr Marcin Marciniak, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 19 April 2017
      • Fabrication of the ultrafine-grained structure using the friction-assisted lateral extrusion concept, Mr Szymon Szkudelski, Joint PhD: Wroclaw University of Technology, Wrocław & Metal Forming Institute – Poznan, Poland, 17 July 2020
      • Development of the ConformTM process for the recycling of waste titanium into wire, Ms Sarah Ann Smythe, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 16 Dec 2020
      • Design of functional properties of rolled AlMg-Al-Cu sandwich composites, Ms Katarzyna Kubik, Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa, Poland, 5 Sept 2023
      • Field-Assisted Sintering Technology Processing Route of Metal-Metal Composites, Mr Cameron Barrie, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 6 Feb 2024


    • Fellow of CIRP – The International Academy for Production Engineering, France
    • TMS – The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, USA
    • AIST – Association for Iron and Steel Technology, USA
    • ESAFORM – European Scientific Association For Material Forming
    • Member of Polish Forging Association (Audit Committee Member), Poland
    • Member of The Polish Committee for Standardization, Technical Body KT153: Thin Steel Sheets
    • Member of Foundry and Metallurgy Committee of Krakow Branch of Polish Academy of Sciences
    • Executive Board Member of Academic-Industrial Association for Metallurgy, Poland
    • Member of Polish Materials Science Society