SEGWAY Project

The aim of the Segway Project is the familiarization with control of structurally unstable system characterized by the variable moment of inertia. The team of Automatics and Robotics students at AGH-UST: Lukasz BONDYRA,Pawel GÓRKA, Jakub TUTRO and Krzysztof WESOLOWSKI.

under the supervision of Adam Pilat Ph.D. is working on advanced control algorithms, sensors, actuators and real-time control. The first stage of the project is based on LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robot. This initial stage consists of: familiarization with the proposed Segway construction, LQ control strategy, multitasking real-time control mode. The identification of robot components was realized and robot parameters as well as controller configuration were modified to obtain better control quality.

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Contents updated 2009-06-03