Welcome to the homepage of dr hab. inż. Jarosław W±s, Prof. AGH -- Associate Professor:
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, IT and Biomedical Engineering
Department of Applied Computer Science
Research areas
- Cellular Automata
- Complex Systems
- Modelling and Simulation
- ABM: Agent-based Modelling
- Multi-agent Systems
- Crowd dynamics, pedestrian simulations
- High performance computing
Bulletin board
PDP at 2021 Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing Valladolid, Spain, March 10-12, 2021
Evo*2021: Evostar, Sevilla, Spain, April 7-9, 2021 Evo*2021: Evostar
High Performance Computing in Modeling and Simulation HPCMS 2018, Cambridge, UK
Special Session on Computational Swarm Intelligence - 9th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence Technologies and Applications (ICCCI 2017). Nicosia, Cyprus, 27th-29th September 2017 Computational Swarm Intelligence
12-th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry September 5 - 8 ACRI 2016, Fez, Morocco
8-th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics October 17 - 21 PED 2016, Hefei, China
Interesting open access texts about Management Science - CEOpedia
Application of Nature-inspired Techniques for Communication Networks EvoCOMNET 2016
High Performance Computing in Modelling And Simulation HPCMS 2016
Workshop on Complex Collective Systems 2015 (4th edition) September 6 - 9 2015, Krakow, Poland, held in conjunction with PPAM 2015 International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics
11-th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry : 22 - 25 September 2014 ACRI 2014, Krakow AGH University of Science and Technology
Office hours for students:
Pavilon C-2 room 312 - Please send an email to schedule an appointment
Dr hab. inż. Jarosław W±s, Prof. AGH C2 room 312
e-mail: jarek(-at-)agh(-dot-)edu(-dot-)pl