Nalezy omowic same podstawy oddzialywan silnych (np. poslugujac sie artykulami z Phys. Today) i przedstawic zalaczony artykul Atomic nuclei are bound by the strong force between their constituent ‘nucleons’: protons and neutrons. Although the density in the centre of a heavy nucleus is extremely large (about 10^14 times the density of water), the mean distance between nucleons exceeds their diameter (the radius of the nucleon is about 0.88 fm = 0.88 × 10^-15 m and the number density inside a nucleus is n0 = 0.16 fm^-3). Thus, normal nuclear matter is a dilute many-body system. If such matter is compressed or heated in high-energy nuclear even higher densities or high temperatures ... then quarks, the building blocks of nucleons, are expected to be no longer confined but able to move over distances much larger than the size of the nucleon. Such a ‘deconfined’ state of matter, named the quark–gluon plasma (QGP), is likely to have existed in the early Universe within the first microseconds after the Big Bang. One of the challenging questions in modern nuclear physics is to identify the structure and phases of such strongly interacting matter.