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LIP_OOC_LOCALIZE(ilocal, iltype, itlocal, ittype, count, flags, buf, datatype, bmap, schedule)

INOUT ilocal locally numbered index array (choice)
IN iltype index type of the locally numbered index array (handle)
OUT itlocal transformed index array (choice)
IN ittype index type of the transformed index array (handle)
IN count number of indices in index arrays (integer)
IN flags flags providing additional information (integer)
INOUT buf memory data buffer (handle)
IN datatype data type of the buffer's elements (handle)
INOUT bmap I/O buffer map (handle)
INOUT schedule communication schedule (handle)

C syntax:

int LIP_OOC_localize(void *ilocal, LIP_Indextype iltype, void *itlocal, LIP_Indextype ittype, int count, int flags, void *buf, MPI_Datatype datatype, LIP_IOBufmap *bmap, LIP_Schedule *schedule)

Java syntax:
Class LIP:
public static void OOC_Localize(Indexer ilocal, Indexer itlocal, int flags, VDouble buf, mpi.Datatype datatype, IOBufmap bmap, Schedule schedule)

LIP_OOC_LOCALIZE transforms indices provided in ilocal (with layout iltype) into itlocal (with iltype layout). The schedule communication schedule is also translated. The translation process is done so as the indices point to a contiguous in-core data buffer afterwards (beforehand they use an out-of-core data buffer). The number of indices is provided in count. The in-core buffer is provided by buf and the type of the single buffer element - by datatype. The result of the translation is stored in bmap.

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