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LIP_GATHER(sendbuf, recvbuf, datatype, schedule)

IN sendbuf send buffer (choice)
OUT recvbuf receive buffer (choice)
IN datatype MPI data type of buffer elements (handle)
IN schedule communication schedule (handle)

C syntax:

int LIP_Gather(void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, MPI_Datatype datatype, LIP_Schedule schedule)

Java syntax:
Class LIP:
public static void Gather(VDouble sendbuf, VDouble recvbuf, Datatype datatype, Schedule schedule)

LIP_GATHER is a collective function which gathers from other nodes the data on which the computations are to be performed locally. The data are taken from sendbuf and are received in recvbuf (which is usually the ghost area). Each buffer element has the type datatype. The communication pattern is described by schedule.