Cooperation and research opportunities for students

There is a possibility of preparing doctoral or master's / engineering theses in the field of experimental high energy physics (elementary particles) under my supervision. Subjects of the theses can be related to the physics programs implemented or planned to be implemented in the following experiments:
There is a lot of very interesting possibilities for research in the above projects. Students interested in cooperation, please contact me directly. Due to the international nature of such cooperation, preferred are students interested in future research (Ph.D.) in the field of experimental particle physics. The exact subject of a thesis and/or an individual plan of study can be defined during an in-person (or in the current situation on zoom) meeting.

As the offered research opportunities require a serious commitment and should have a long-term character, the optimal time for starting cooperation and deciding on the choice of appropriate elective lectures is already as soon as after the first year of study.

The best master's / Ph.D. students can obtain additional research scholarships founded within my grants being implemented at the Faculty.
The Ph.D. students will spend significant amount of time abroad in the laboratories in which the experiments are performed.
It is possible to organize joint doctoral studies in cooperation with France in the case of the ATLAS related theses.

I recommend summer internships as part of the Summer Student programs carried out in the following laboratories: DESY, CERN, TRISEP, Oxford, GSI, HZB.
Schools and conferences available to second-cycle students: PPSS@IFJ, TESHEP, HASCO, ISOTDAQ, Physics@Terascale, JUAS, COMS.
Other possibilities (rather for Ph.D. students): CERN Schools of HEP, CAS, CSC, HCPSS, ML in HEP, ISSP, CTEQ, TRISEP, TASI, CSTP, Erice, PSI, ESC.

After Ph.D. - fellowships and grants opportunities:
Careers at CERN   Careers at BNL   DESY Fellowships   Swiss Gov Scholarships and Grants   Euraxess   Physics World Jobs   iNSpireHEP Jobs     

Informacje dla studiujących według indywidualnego programu studiów

Useful links for people working on:

ATLAS:   TWiki   atGlance   Computing   Generators   Nicos   Grid   Papers   Talks   Policy Documents   ATLAS-Digest  
Detector Operation   OTP  (Shift Classes)   Forward Detectors  
Indico:   ATLAS Meetings   HI group   AFP   FDIB   Rehearsals   EdBoards   CB   Tutorials   Seminar@AGH   Seminar@IFJ  
LPCC   LPCF  LHC closer  LHCPhenoNet 
Trigger DQ/Debug shifts:   WhiteBoard   StableBeamRuns   TaskLister   Jira   Logbook   DefectEntry   Tier0   RunQuerry  
TriggerDQExpertManual   Manual&Instructions   Elin's slides (TGM)   TriggerCrew   Booking  
DQ/Debug shift meetings:   Daily Operations   Data Quality   Trigger General  
@CERN:   Bulletin  Plan  Phonebook   (GIS)   CERN AIS   Safety Courses   HR Training   Access  (ACRQ)   Account Manag.   e-groups  
Housing Service   Welcome Center   Move & Eatbetter   iFrancja  

STAR:   RACF   Computing   Runs   Publications   Shifts   BNL-Box  
Mattermost   RHIC-BES Seminars  
EIC:   Wiki@BNL   CDR   EICUG   EICC   EICCenter   indicoBNL  
WikiPoland   Seminar for students  
@BNL:   Plan   Guest Services   Visitor Info   Staff Services   Training   News   Library  

ZEUS:   Offline   Analysis   Zarah   Common Ntuple   Orange   Amadeus   Funnel   Phantom   Lumi   Trigger   Papers   Notes   ZEMS   H1+ZEUS   Indico  
@DESY:   Plan   Guest Services   News   IT   Library   Phonebook  

Future projects:   ECFA   LHeC   FCC  LCC 


ROOT@CERN   @FNAL   @BaBar   @Minos   RooFit   RooStats   RooUnfold   Lectures@DESY   Lectures@Columbia   Diving into ROOT   PAWtoROOT  

HEP Tools:

Physics at Terascale   The Reviev of Particle Physics   HepData   MCplots   CalcHEP   BAT   CTEQ  
HepForge   HERAFitter   ExHuME   superCHIC   RapGap   Rivet   GRANIITTI   HOPPET   Sartre   LHAPDF   JetScape  
MCnet   HepMC   Pythia   Herwig   MadGraph   MAD-X   UrQMD   smash   Hijing   DataMelt   COMPETE   PGS4  
ColliderReach   NetMaker   Matplotlib  
Scikit-HEP   HSF   EMMI  

Selected books on elementary particle physics:

Particle Physics Reference Library, Springer 2020 (open access):
Vol. 1: Theory and Experiments, Ed. H. Schopper.
Vol. 2: Detectors for Particles and Radiation, Eds. H. Schopper, Ch. Fabjan.
Vol. 3: Accelerators and Colliders, Eds. H. Schopper, S. Myers.

Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics, A. Bettini, Cambridge, 2014.
Introduction to High Energy Physics, D.H. Perkins, Cambridge 2006.  (istnieje wydanie polskie PWN)
Quarks and Leptons,  F. Halzen, A.D. Martin, Wiley, 1984.
An Introduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics, W.N. Cottingham, D.A. Greenwood, Cambridge, 2007.
A Short Course on Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, A.K. Chaudhuri, IOP Science, 2014.

inSPIRE - all scientific publications related to the particle physics are always available for free to everyone

Free software for physicists

Professional scientific publications should be prepared using the text editor $\bf\LaTeX$:

LaTeX-Project   TUG   @Cambridge   AMSTeX   CTAN   GUST   TexDoc   BibTex   LaTeX-Community   MiKTeX   TeXnicCenter  
T.Oetiker (po polsku)   L.Lamport   H.Kopka & P.W.Daly   D.E.Knuth - The TeXbook   LaTeX-Cookbook   LaTeX Symbols   WikiBooks:LaTeX  
Beamer   LaTeXColor   UserGuide   TeXstudio   Tutorial RSI2011@MIT   Quickstart   Overleaf  
TeXRendr   MathJax   TRUONGonLaTeX   TeXStackExchange   shareLaTeX   JaxoDraw   feynman@UZH   TikZ  (TikZ.netTikZiTTeXample   writeLaTeX   javaTpoint  
Rob's LaTeX Page   LaTeX-tutorial   Detexify   CodeCogs  

Other useful links:

myCV   LateXResumeTemplates   ThesisWriting   ProposalWriting   CDF ThesisTips  

Theses prepared under my supervision:

Doctoral dissertations:

1. J. Łukasik, Measurement of the proton diffractive structure function in deep inelastic e+p scattering with the ZEUS detector at HERA,
(wersja PDF), DESY-THESIS-2007-038. Obrona 14.04.2008.

2. M. Dyndał, Two-photon interactions in proton–proton collisions with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC,
(wersja PDF), CERN-THESIS-2015-160. Obrona 21.09.2015. Doctorate Cotutelle with the University of Paris-Sud.

3. M. Guzik, Measurement of diffractive photoproduction of dijets with the ZEUS detector at HERA,
(wersja PDF). Obrona 5.10.2015.

4. P. Janus, Study of W boson production in heavy ion collisions with the ATLAS detector at the LHC,
(wersja PDF), CERN-THESIS-2019-134. Obrona 12.09.2019.

5. Ł. Fulek, Charged particle production in diffractive proton-proton scattering at the RHIC and LHC energies,
(wersja PDF), CERN-THESIS-2020-066. Obrona 14.07.2020.

6. R. Sikora, Measurement of the diffractive central exclusive production in the STAR experiment at RHIC and the ATLAS experiment at LHC,
(wersja PDF), CERN-THESIS-2020-235. Obrona 11.12.2020. Winner of 2021 RHIC & AGS Thesis Award.

7. I. Łakomiec, The measurement of $\bf\boldsymbol{\phi}(1020)$ meson production in proton-proton collisions at $\bf\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC,
(wersja PDF), CERN-THESIS-2022-311. Obrona 23.02.2023.

8. K. Janas, Measurement of diffractive jets production in proton-proton collisions with ALFA detectors in ATLAS experiment,
(wersja PDF), CERN-THESIS-2023-170. Obrona 11.04.2024.

Master's theses:

1. A. Dworak, Testing and improving the middleware infrastructure for the CERN accelerator controls,
(wersja PDF). Obrona 8.07.2009.

2. M. Dyndał, Badanie korelacji w zderzeniach ciężkich jonów w eksperymencie ATLAS,
(wersja PDF). Obrona 28.06.2012.

3. M. Łuszczak, Analiza wpływu środowiska kosmicznego na sondę ESMO,
(wersja PDF). Obrona 9.07.2012.

4. P. Janus, Measurement of long range correlations in lead-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector,
(wersja PDF). Obrona 2.07.2015. Laureat konkursu Diamenty AGH - Edycja XVII 2015.

5. P. Malinowska, Measurement of the exclusive production of strange particles $\boldsymbol{K^0}$ and $\boldsymbol\Lambda$ in proton-proton diffraction collisions at $\boldsymbol{\sqrt{s} = 510}$ GeV in the STAR experiment at RHIC,
(wersja PDF). Obrona 16.07.2024.
