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===== Archimate to NuSMV ===== //Archimate to SMV// is a plugin to popular [[|Archi editor]]. ==== General description ==== ==== Installation ==== Following the instructions in: [[]] - Download the [[|compiled plugin (JAR)]] - Downolad properties file [[|] controlling the model generation - Copy them to the //plugins// directory of Archi installation (not sure about properties) - Restart Archi - A new menu item //File//->//Export//->//Model to OWL// should appear. ==== Controlling model generation ==== Model genetration is controlled by the properties file. You may edit it (hash sign starts a comment till the end of line). <code> specification.generate=true # generate CTL specification specification.generate.ctl.universal=true specification.generate.ctl.existential=true specification.generate.reachable.or=true specification.generate.reachable.and=true specification.generate.module=false #generate specification for modules # For the below elements there is a choice between synchronous and interleaving implementation # interleaving implementation: FSM model is used for a given element, i.e. there are intermediary states between an input occurrence and output # synchronous: output is generated synchronously with the input semantcis.event=synchronous semantcis.process=interleaving #semantcis.process=synchronous semantcis.xorfork=synchronous semantcis.xorjoin=synchronous semantcis.andfork=synchronous semantcis.andjoin=synchronous #semantcis.event=interleaving #semantcis.process=interleaving #semantcis.xorfork=interleaving #semantcis.xorjoin=interleaving #semantcis.andfork=interleaving #semantcis.andjoin=interleaving refactoring.remove.process=false #a process with one input and one output can be removed </code>

archi_to_nusmv.1463578029.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/18 15:27 by pszwed