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====== Ontologies ====== ===== Project management ===== ==== Ontology of PMBOK 4 ==== **Modules** *Generated ontology of PMBOK [[|pmbok4.owl]] *Roles [[|pmbok-role.owl]] *Events [[|event.owl]] [[|pmbok-event.owl]] *Process relations [[|process-relations.owl]] **Full ontology** * [[|pmbok-ref.owl]] * Queries: [[|pmbok-queries.owl]] * OWL Doc [[|Browse...]] (To see the ontology structure - select Classes, then Thing and expand the class tree) //Created in 2010// ==== Ontology of Scrum ==== *[[|Scrum ontology ver.004]] This is a draft version. An attempt has been made to structure the ontology analogously to PMBOK, i.e. processes having at inputs and outputs artifacts are identified. //Created in 2010// ===== A small decision ontology ===== *[[]] //Created in 2010// ===== In Polish: GINA guidelines glossary ===== [In polish] Ontology (glossary) generated from polish translation of GINA (Global Initiative for Asthma) gudelines. //Ontologia (słownik) wygenerowana na podstawie polskiej wersji wytycznych dla leczenia astmy (GINA).// The ontology is a result of an experiment (not finished) aiming at unsupervised elicitation of ontology concept candidates from about 100 pages of a narrative medical document. Firstly Polish words were stemmed with Morfologik [[]], then they were passed to state machines describing grammar rules. Obtained terms were also clustered according to contexts, in which they appeared. Still waits for refactoring to Hidden Markov Model, which, I hope, would increase the accuracy ... *[[|gina.owl 21MB ]] *[[|Zipped ontology]] *[[|Spreadsheet sorted by terms frequency]] *[[|OWL Doc: Browse...]] Never published. Just for fun. ===== Towards software architecture assessment ===== ==== Ontology of software Quality Attributes ==== *[[]]

ontologies.1372205348.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/26 01:09 (external edit)