Piotr Faliszewski

  • AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Wydzial Informatyki, Instytut Informatyki
  • Office: 3.33 (D-17)
  • Phone: (+48) 12 328-33-34
  • Email: faliszew@agh.edu.pl

Slides from PPSN-2010 tutorial

Personal Information

My curriculum vitae.

Research Interests

My research focus is on the following fields: computational social choice; preference aggregation; complexity of elections; parameterized complexity, approximation algorithms, heuristics, and simulations. I am particularly interested in ideas, concepts, and research spanning and linking all these areas.

Publications and more information


I am currently running the PRAGMA project (funding with the ERC Consolidator scheme).


In 2018 I have received the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

I have won the "2013 Research Prize" of "Polityka" magazine (in the field of technological sciences"). Since 2001, every year, "Polityka" selects a group of 15 finalists (in five fields: humanities, life sciences, social sciences, exact sciences, and technical sciences) and then picks one representative from each of the fields. (See more!)


  • Algorytmy dla Problemow Trudnych Obliczeniowo: Projekt
  • Algorytmy i Struktury Danych

Krakow, 2013-VII-11