Development of industrial applications using modern techniques and programming languages (object oriented programming, virtual mechanism).
Application of computer graphics techniques for aiding of technology design and visualization of control devices indicators in the industry.
Parallel and dispersed programming using multiprocessor computers and computer networks.
Application of data bases for collection, segregation and searching data obtained from technological processes, for production management and for production organization process.
Application of expert systems for development of scientific information bases about technological processes, also for creation mutual links among gathered information connected with route of technological processes and for aiding of decision making.
Application of internet multimedia techniques for information exchange and production organization in industrial plants.
Development and application of quality control systems, information systems and industrial computer systems for industrial production aiding.
Development of complex industrial systems for computer simulation of mechanical, thermal and microstructural phenomena with graphical user interface and knowledge base, necessary for prediction of technological processes route.
Application of IT techniques for systems building, which would ensure synchronic group work using internet communication for industrial technology designers.
Remote computer aided teaching using internet techniques.