
IWOGL 2016

The 9th International Workshop On Graph Labeling (IWOGL) took place at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland on July 7-9, 2016.

The workshop consisted of keynote and invited lectures by distinguished experts in graph labelings and contributed talks by other participants.

There was a Special Commemorative Sessions on Friday and Saturday (July 8-9) to celebrate the life and work of Mirka Miller, one of the founders of IWOGL.

The proceedings of the workshop will be published as a special issue of the Elsevier Journal "Electronics Notes in Discrete Mathematics".

IWOGL is a problem-oriented series of workshops with emphasis on informal discussion. The main themes of the workshop were the topics within the following areas, but are not limited to:

  • Applications of graph labeling
  • Graceful labeling and their variations
  • Magic-type labeling
  • Sum labeling and variations
  • Prime and vertex prime labeling
  • Binary labeling
  • Average labeling