This is the complete list of members for Hex2D, including all inherited members.
_bufferAngFileHeader | MCBox2D | protected |
_bufferOscFileHeader | MCBox2D | protected |
_content | MCBox2D | protected |
_disx | MCBox | protected |
_disy | MCBox | protected |
_disz | MCBox | protected |
_ebsdMapXStep | MCBox2D | protected |
_ebsdMapYStep | MCBox2D | protected |
_grainStats | MCBox | protected |
_oscDataEndBytePosition | MCBox2D | protected |
_oscDataStartBytePosition | MCBox2D | protected |
_oscFileLength | MCBox2D | protected |
_rd | MCBox | protected |
_rengine | MCBox | protected |
_xsize | MCBox | protected |
_ysize | MCBox | protected |
_zsize | MCBox | protected |
ClearBox2D() | MCBox2D | protected |
CreateCubicAngHeader() | MCBox2D | virtual |
ExportAng(const std::string &, Pos=0) | MCBox2D | virtual |
ExportBinaryVtk(const std::string &) | MCBox | |
ExportEulers(const std::string &) | MCBox | |
ExportOsc(const std::string &, Pos=0) | MCBox2D | virtual |
ExportSPVtk(const std::string &) | MCBox | |
ExportVtk(const std::string &) | MCBox | |
FastGet(const Pos &i, const Pos &j, Pos=0) | MCBox2D | inlinevirtual |
FillBox() | MCBox2D | protected |
FindTripleJunctions(int) | MCBox2D | virtual |
Get(const int &, const int &, int=0) | MCBox2D | virtual |
Get_xsize() | MCBox | inline |
Get_ysize() | MCBox | inline |
Get_zsize() | MCBox | inline |
GetGrainStatistics() | MCBox | inline |
GetPointsFromCircle(MCPoint *p, const float &radius, Neighbours &n) | MCBox | |
GetRandomPoint() | MCBox | inline |
GetSize() | MCBox | inline |
Hex2D() | Hex2D | inline |
Hex2D(Dim x, Dim y) | Hex2D | inline |
Hex2D(MCBox *s) | Hex2D | inline |
ImportAng(const std::string &, Pos=0) | MCBox2D | virtual |
ImportOsc(const std::string &, Pos=0) | MCBox2D | virtual |
Initialize() | MCBox2D | protected |
InitializeRandGen() | MCBox | inline |
Load(const std::string &) | MCBox | inline |
MCBox() | MCBox | inlineprotected |
MCBox2D() | MCBox2D | inlineprotected |
MCBox2D(Dim x, Dim y) | MCBox2D | inlineprotected |
operator()(const Pos &i, const Pos &j, Pos=0) | MCBox2D | inlinevirtual |
PrepareBoostBox() | MCBox2D | protected |
PutPoint(const int &i, const int &j, Neighbours &n) | MCBox2D | protected |
Save(const std::string &) | MCBox | inline |
SetBoundaryColor(Color r=0, Color g=0, Color b=0) | MCBox | |
SetBoxColor(Color r=0, Color g=0, Color b=0) | MCBox | inline |
SetCenterOfGravityColor(Color r=0, Color g=0, Color b=0) | MCBox | |
SetGrainStatistics(GrainStatistics *gs) | MCBox | inline |
SetMCNeighboursRange(const Pos &range=1) | MCBox | |
SetNeighboursColor(int i, int j, int k=0, Color=255, Color=0, Color=0) | MCBox | |
SetSortedBoundaryColor(Color r=0, Color g=0, Color b=0) | MCBox | |
SetTripleJunctionsColor(Color r=0, Color g=0, Color b=0) | MCBox | |
TransferEBSDData(int &oscFileLength, int &oscDataStartBytePosition, int &oscDataEndBytePosition, std::string &bufferOscFileHeader) | MCBox2D | inlinevirtual |
~Hex2D() | Hex2D | inline |
~MCBox() | MCBox | inlinevirtual |
~MCBox2D() | MCBox2D | inlinevirtual |