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Addressing Occupational Health Issues to Overcome Human and Capital Loss

added: 22th November 2011
Poland Section of Society of Petroleum Engineers want to invite you for lecture given by SPE Distinguished Lecturer Nasser Al Maskary, from Sultan Quaboos University in Muscat
The Lecture will be given at AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Al. Mickiewicza 30, building A-4, room 3, on 5th December 2011 at 12:00.
According to the best estimates, more than 100 million workers are injured and 200,000 die each year in occupational accidents, and more than 150 million new cases of occupational diseases are attributed to hazardous exposures or workloads. Such high numbers of severe outcomes contribute to one of the most important impacts on the health of the world’s population. Occupational injuries and diseases play an even more important role in developing countries, where 70% of the working population of the world lives. By affecting the health of the working population, occupational injuries and diseases have profound effects on work productivity and on the economic and social well-being of workers, their families and dependants. According to recent estimates, the cost of work-related health loss and associated productivity loss may amount to 5% of the total gross national product of the countries of the world.
National and international legislation requires employers to remove or control workplace health hazards, a task ideally suited for experts in occupational health (OH). Hence, the prime tasks of OH experts are 1) to identify and control known or suspected work factors that contribute to ill health, and 2) to educate management and workers to fulfill their moral and legal responsibilities for health and safety in the workplace. Similarly, it is the obligation of the governments, the industries and the societies to work closely together in order to maintain balance and to ensure the health of people, aiming for an unpolluted planet while still sustaining a bottom line profit and high morale in the workforce.
Nasser Al Maskery previously worked for Exploration and Production BP based in Oman, where he was the Health Manager and also served as Deputy for HSSE Manager. He is an Associate lecturer in Occupational Health at Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat.
Al Maskery started his medical career with National Health Services hospitals in Cardiff, South Wales, mainly as a general physician and in accident & emergency departments. He joined Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) as a clinical practitioner and, 3 years later, was cross-posted in Shell Centre, London, as a Senior Medical Advisor for Overseas Services. He also worked in Stanlow Shell Refinery, near Chester, UK, and later at The Hague Shell Medical Services in the Netherlands. In 1986, Al Maskery came back to PDO as the corporate Chief Medical Officer, and the Health Manager, where his responsibilities included, among others, management of primary health care, OH care, medical emergency response and HSE steering.
Al Maskery is a member of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (MFOM) at the Royal College of Physicians, London, and a Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FFOM), Ireland. He is trained and certified in General Aviation Medicine from the Royal Air Force Institute of the Ministry of Defense in Farnborough, UK. He has made more than 80 OH presentations in the region and internationally, including at SPE. Al Maskery holds an MD with a diploma and an MSc in occupational health from Birmingham University, UK.
Distinguished Lecturer Program started in 1961 with three lecturers the Distinguished Lecturer Program is funded primarily by the SPE Foundation through member donations and a contribution from Offshore Europe. We also appreciate the companies that allow their professionals to serve as lecturers and the additional support from AIME. More than 450 presentations are offered each year, and each section can receive up to three lectures per year.
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