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Tullow Ghana - Deepwater Extended Reach Drilling Experience

added: 02nd October 2012
Poland Section of Society of Petroleum Engineers want to invite you for lecture given by SPE Distinguished Lecturer Fraser Lawson, from Tullow Ghana Ltd.
The Lecture will be given at AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Al. Mickiewicza 30, building A-4, room 3, on 17th October 2012 at 12:00.
Extended Reach Drilling (ERD) already carries a well understood list of technical challenges that if not adequately addressed can easily result in failure to complete the well. In a fast track deepwater development the complexities and risk exposure for any operating company are further increased. Many of the deepwater ERD challenges encountered by Tullow Ghana Ltd are touched on in this presentation and three are discussed in some detail, namely; hole cleaning, borehole stability and well bore surveying. The latter subject is also covered by the presenter and others in a separate SPE paper. The presenter does not try to gloss over the difficulties encountered during the execution phase but instead uses these as examples to demonstrate learning points and highlight the importance of engineering to reduce risk and maximise the probability of success. The responsibility carried by Engineers is therefore one of the key themes of this presentation and is a message the presenter felt appropriate to stress to an attentive audience of new Engineers in the emerging oil province of Ghana. The presentation finishes on a high note by demonstrating that despite the ERD operational difficulties encountered the field was delivered on target with ‘best in class’ deepwater drilling performance.
Fraser Lawson has over 25 years of international well engineering experience including various ERD and deepwater projects. He holds BSc (hons) and MSc degrees in Civil and Petroleum Engineering and is a Chartered Engineer. He currently works as the Well Engineering Supervisor for Tullow Ghana Ltd.
Distinguished Lecturer Program started in 1961 with three lecturers the Distinguished Lecturer Program is funded primarily by the SPE Foundation through member donations and a contribution from Offshore Europe. We also appreciate the companies that allow their professionals to serve as lecturers and the additional support from AIME. More than 450 presentations are offered each year, and each section can receive up to three lectures per year.
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