Open Smart Meter
Actually this is a project proposal. The idea is to establish a project of open smart meter based on open design and open software principles. Everyone could participate in this project. The project management has been entrusted to the project board.
See the presentation (in Polish): Open Smart Meter - Idea
Cafe - which means: Cellular Automata Framework Environment. The aim of this project is to create a Java based CA modeling tool which allows to create and simulate various kinds of asynchronous, nonhomogenous cellular automata. The automata built this way will be used to simulation of pedestrians behaviors (MNiSW grant: N N516 228735), and to modeling robots behavior. In the robotic approach
CA is treated as another kind of knowledge
used by so-called Intelligent Control System. Screen of the Cafe's early version can be viewed below.
Proposed approach to executable modeling of ractive systems consist of two elements: UML editor and Reactive Appliance Toolkit. There is no limitation to one specific kind of UML editor. Every editor could be used if satisfy following requirements: at least metamodel 1.4, XMI support, stereotypes and profiles, class diagram, statechart diagram, activity diagram.
In order to use Reactive Appliance Toolkit standard Java 1 and some implementation of RealTime Java (e.g. Jamaica VM 2) should be instaled. Reactive Appliance Toolkit consist of three components:
- API library
- Code generator
- Management console
A console for the robot control case study is shown below:
HeKatE means Hybrid Knowledge Engineering. It is the research project regards Software Engineering based on Knowledge Engineering. The scope of the project includes but it is not limited to Knowledge Representation, Processing and Visualization methods. More information is available on project web page
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