Informations about the Department

The Department educates students in two specialties:

and conducts postgraduate studies in the field of Thermal Power Engineering and Renewable Energy Sources.

The employees of the Department conduct scientific work and research related both with Power Engineering as with Environmental Protection. The problems of the research work are various and comprise:

  • flow, acoustic and energy research of pumps, compressors and fans,
  • designing and study of air reheaters,
  • designing and study of combustion gases heat recovery systems,
  • selection and diagnostics of air-conditioning systems,
  • designing of fans, pumps and compressors,
  • designing of ventilation and air handling systems and combustion gases exhaustion systems,
  • designing and diagnostics of hydrostatic propulsion equipment,
  • designing and study of Renewable Energy Sources:
    • designing and diagnostics of a solar energy conversion into heat,
    • designing and diagnostics of wind turbines and economic and ecological evaluation of thermal power engineering equipment,
    • designing of geothermal power recovery installations