Department of Physical Chemistry and Modelling

Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics

AGH University of Science and Technology





                             Total IF: ca. 115                h-index: 13



  1. Kyzioł K., "Functional coatings deposited in plasma chemical conditions", vol. 123, Published by Polish Ceramic Society, Kraków, 2016

Books/Chapter Books:

  1. K. Kyzioł, A. Kyzioł, "Advances in Polymers and Fibers", vol. "Biopolymer Grafting: Applications", chapter 4: “Surface functionalization with biopolymers via plasma-assisted surface grafting and plasma-induced graft polymerization – materials for biomedical application”, Published by Elsevier, ed. V.K. Thakur, 115-151, 2018,

  2. K. Kyzioł, Ł. Kaczmarek, A. Kyzioł, "Handbook of Composite from Renewable Materials", 4 Vol Functionalization, Published by Wiley-Scrivener, ed. Vijay Kumar Thakur, Manju Kumari Thakur, Michael R. Kessler, 457-490, 2017,




Popular science articles:

  1. S. Kluska, K. Kyzioł, Antyrefleksyjne materiały warstwowe do zastosowań w fotowoltaice, Nauczanie Przedmiotów Przyrodniczych, Biuletyn Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Nauczycieli Przedmiotów Przyrodniczych, Kraków/Toruń, Nr 72 (2/2020)

  2. Walczyk K., Jabłoński P., Kyzioł K., Materiały na bazie struktur węglowych do zastosowań w bioinżynierii, Nauczanie Przedmiotów Przyrodniczych, Biuletyn Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Nauczycieli Przedmiotów Przyrodniczych, Toruń, Nr 70 (4/2019) 3-8

Articles in scientific journals within a list of the Philadelphia Institute for Scientific Information:

  1. Ł. Kaczmarek, A. Kyzioł, D. Kottfer, W. Szymański, K. Kleszcz, K. Kyzioł, Mechanical properties and biocompatibility of multilayer systems based on amorphous SiN:H/SiCN:H layers on Ti6Al7Nb titanium alloy, Applied Surface Science, 675 (2024) 160947, IF 6.3,

  2. M. Trebuňová, D. Kottfer, K. Kyziol, M. Kaňuchová, D. Medveď, R. Džunda, M. Kianicová, L. Rusinko, A. Breznická, M. Csatáryová, The WC and CrC coatings deposited from carbonyls using PE CVD method - structure and properties, Materials, 16 (2023) 5044, IF 3.623,

  3. M. Januś, K. Kyzioł, S. Kluska, W. Jastrzębski, A. Adamczyk, Z. Grzesik, S. Zimowski, M. Potoczek, T. Brylewski, The effect of the annealing temperature onto selected properties of WC/C coatings deposited using hexacarbonyl wolfram in N2-SiH4 atmosphere, Materials, 15 (2022) 4081, IF 3.623,

  4. P. Jabłoński, A. Kyzioł, D. Pawcenis, B. Pucelik, M. Hebda, M. Migdalska, H. Krawiec, M. Arruebo, K. Kyzioł, Electrostatic self-assembly approach in the deposition of bio-functional chitosan-based layers enriched with caffeic acid on Ti‑6Al‑7Nb alloys by alternate immersion, Biomaterials Advances, 136 (2022) 212791, IF 7.328,

  5. P. Horňák, D. Kottfer, K. Kyzioł, M. Trebuňová, M. Kaňuchová, L. Kaczmarek, J. Jasenák, J. Hašuľ, L. Rusinko, The effect of the annealing temperature onto selected properties of WC/C coatings deposited using hexacarbonyl wolfram in N2-SiH4 atmosphere, Materials, 14 (2021) 4658, IF 3.623,

  6. K. Kleszcz, M. Hebda, A. Kyzioł, H. Krawiec, K. Kyzioł, Towards prevention of biofilm formation: Ti6Al7Nb modified with nanocomposite layers of chitosan and Ag/Au nanoparticles, Applied Surface Science, 557 (2021) 149795, IF 6.707,

  7. Ł. Kaczmarek, M. Balik, T. Warga, I. Acznik, K. Lota, S. Miszczak, A. Sobczyk-Guzenda, K. Kyzioł, P. Zawadzki, A. Wosiak, Functionalization mechanism of reduced graphene oxide flakes with BF3∙THF and its influence on interaction with Li+ ions in lithium-ion batteries, Materials, 14 (2021) 679, IF 3.623,

  8. K. Kyzioł, J. Rajczyk, K. Wolski, A. Kyzioł, B. Handke, Ł. Kaczmarek, Z. Grzesik, Dual-purpose surface functionalization of Ti-6Al-7Nb involving oxygen plasma treatment and Si-DLC or chitosan-based coatings, Materials Science & Engineering C, 121 (2021) 111848, IF 7.328,

  9. K. Kyzioł, P. Jabłoński, W. Niemiec, J. Prażuch, D. Kottfer, A. Łętocha, Ł. Kaczmarek, Deposition, morphology and functional properties of layers based on DLC:Si and DLC:N on polyurethane, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 126 (2020) 751, IF 2.584,

  10. P. Horňák , D. Kottfer, K. Kyzioł , M. Trebuňová, J. Majerníková , Ł. Kaczmarek , J. Trebuňa , J. Hašuľ, M. Paľo, Microstructure and mechanical properties of annealed WC/C PECVD coatings deposited using hexacarbonyl of W with different gases, Materials, 13 (2020) 3576, IF 3.623,

  11. P. Jabłoński, M. Hebda, P. Pytlak, A. Kyzioł, H. Krawiec, Z. Grzesik, K. Kyzioł, Biopolymer-based coatings on the plasmochemically activated surface of NiTi alloy, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 248 (2020) 122931, IF 4.094,

  12. A. Kyzioł, W. Khan, V. Sebastian, K. Kyzioł, Tackling microbial infections and increasing resistance involving formulations based on antimicrobial polymers, Chemical Engineering Journal, 385 (2020) 123888 (1-18), IF 13.273,

  13. M. Drozdz, G. Smola, K. Kyzioł, M. Migdalska, Z. Jurasz, B. Wierzba, Z. Grzesik, Modification of the high-temperature performance of thin chromium coatings deposited on valve steels, Materials at High Temperatures, 37 (2020) 145-154, IF 1.389,

  14. Ł. Kaczmarek, T. Warga, M. Makowicz, K. Kyzioł, B. Bucholc, Ł. Majchrzycki, The influence of the size and oxidation degree of graphene flakes on the process of creating 3D structures during its cross-linking, Materials, 13 (2020) 681, IF 3.623,

  15. S. Lipa, L. Kaczmarek, M. Stegliński, H. Radziszewska, K. Kyzioł, D. Kottfer, Effect of core/shell precipitations on fatigue strength of 2024-T6I6 alloy, International Journal of Fatigue, 127 (2019) 165-174, IF 4.369,

  16. G. Smoła, R. Gaweł, K. Kyzioł, M. Miszczak, Z. Grzesik, Influence of Nickel on the Oxidation Resistance at High Temperatures of Thin Chromium Coatings, Oxidation of Metals, 91 (2019) 625-640, IF 1.455,

  17. P. Horňák, D. Kottfer, L. Kaczmarek, K. Kyzioł, J. Vavro, M. Klich, J. Trebuňa, M. Vrabeľ, M. Franková, Microstructure and mechanical properties of annealed WC/C coatings deposited with different gas mixtures in an RFMS process, Ceramics-Silikaty, 63 (2019) 213-222, IF 0.820, doi: 10.13168/cs.2019.0013

  18. R. Gaweł, K. Kyzioł, Z. Jurasz, Z. Grzesik, Oxidation resistance of valve steels covered with thin SiC coatings, obtained by RF CVD, Corrosion Science, 145 (2018) 16–25, IF 6.355,

  19. Ł. Kaczmarek, M. Klich, W. Tuta, K. Kyzioł, P. Kuśtrowski, D. Batory, W. Szymański, M. Stegliński, D. Kottfer, Influence of the chemical composition of Al/AlC/a-C:H coatings on the mechanical properties of magnesium alloy AZ31, Metal Science and Heat Treatment, 60 (2018) 443-449, IF 0.379,

  20. A. Bobrowski, A. Królicka, J. Śliwa, J. Zarębski, M. Januś, K. Kyzioł, PVD fabrication of lead film electrodes and their catalytic adsorptive stripping voltammetric performance in the presence of oxidants, Electrochemistry Communications, 94 (2018) 49–54, IF 4.197,

  21. K. Kyzioł, J. Oczkowska, D. Kottfer, M. Klich, Ł. Kaczmarek, A. Kyzioł, Z. Grzesik, Physicochemical and biological activity analysis of low-density polyethylene substrate modified by multi-layer coatings based on DLC structures, obtained using RF CVD method, Coatings, 8 (2018) 135, IF 2.330,

  22. K. Kyzioł, K. Koper, Ł. Kaczmarek, Z. Grzesik, Plasmochemical modification of aluminum-zinc alloys using NH3‑Ar atmosphere with anti-wear coatings deposition, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 189 (2017) 198-206, IF 2.210,

  23. M. Drożdż, K. Kyzioł, Z. Grzesik, Chromium-based oxidation-resistant coatings for the protection of engine valves in automotive vehicles, Materials and Technology, 51 (2017) 4, 603–607, IF 0.590, doi:10.1515/htmp-2014-0023

  24. S. Jonas, M. Januś, J. Jaglarz, K. Kyzioł, Formation of SixNy(H) and C:N:H layers by Plasma-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition method, Thin Solid Films, 600 (2016) 162-168, IF 1.879,

  25. K. Kyzioł, K. Koper, M. Środa, M. Klich, Ł. Kaczmarek, Influence of gas mixture during N+ ion modification under plasma conditions on surface structure and mechanical properties of Al-Zn alloys, Surface and Coatings Technology, 278 (2015) 30-37, IF 2.139,

  26. M. Januś, K. Kyzioł, K. Kluska, J. Konefał-Góral, A. Małek, S. Jonas, Plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition - technological design of functional coatings, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 60 (2015) 909-914, IF5-year 0.943, doi:10.1515/amm-2015-0228

  27. Ł. Kaczmarek, P. Zawadzki, M. Stegliński, R. Wójcik, M. Klich, K. Kyzioł, D. Kottfer, B. Januszewicz, W. Pawłowski, The effect of two-stage age hardening treatment combined with shot peening on stress distribution in the surface layer of 7075 aluminum alloy, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 60 (2015) 1993-1997, IF5-year 0.943,

  28. Ł. Kaczmarek, B. Adamczyk-Cieślak, J. Mizera, M. Stegliński, K. Kyzioł, D. Miedzińska, Ł. Kołodziejczyk, W. Szymański, M. Kozanecki, Influence of chemical composition of Ti/TiC/a-C:H coatings deposited on 7075 aluminum alloy on their selected mechanical properties, Surface and Coatings Technology, 261 (2015) 304-310, IF 2.139,

  29. K. Kyzioł, S. Kluska, M. Januś, M. Środa, W. Jastrzębski, Ł. Kaczmarek, Chemical composition and selected mechanical properties of Al‑Zn alloy modified in plasma conditions by RF CVD, Applied Surface Science, 311 (2014) 33-39, IF 2.711,

  30. K. Kyzioł, Ł. Kaczmarek, G. Brzezinka, A. Kyzioł, Structure, characterization and cytotoxicity study on plasma surface modified Ti-6Al-4V and g-TiAl alloys, Chemical Engineering Journal, 240 (2014) 516-526, IF 4.321,

  31. K. Kyzioł, M. Mędala, Ł. Kaczmarek, Influence of plasmochemical modification of Al-Cu-Mg alloys on surface structure and functional properties, Vacuum, 105 (2014) 52-58, IF 1.858,

  32. Ł. Kaczmarek, M. Stegliński, J. Sawicki, J. Świniarski, D. Batory, K. Kyzioł, Ł. Kołodziejczyk, W. Szymański, P. Zawadzki, D. Kottfer, Optimization of the heat treatment and tribological properties of 2024 and 7075 aluminium alloys, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 58 (2013) 535–540, IF 0.763, doi: 10.2478/amm-2013-0032

  33. Ł. Kaczmarek, A. Kopia, K. Kyzioł, W. Szymański, W. Kołodziejczyk, J. Gawroński,  J. Kleczewska, Wear resistant carbon coatings deposited at room temperature by pulsed laser deposition method on 7075 aluminium, Vacuum, 97 (2013) 20-25, IF 1.426,

  34. Ł. Kaczmarek, K. Kyzioł, J. Sawicki, M. Stegliński, H. Radziszewska, W. Szymański, L. Kołodziejczyk, R. Atraszkiewicz, D. Kottfer, P. Zawadzki, The influence of chemical groups on the mechanical properties of SiCNH coatings deposited on 7075 aluminum alloy, Thin Solid Films, 534 (2013) 15-21, IF 1.867,

  35. K. Kyzioł, Ł. Kaczmarek, S. Jonas, Surfaces modification of Al-Cu alloys by Plasma-Assisted CVD, Solid State Phenomena, 199 (2013) 496-501, JCR,

  36. S. Jonas, K. Kyzioł, J. Lis, K. Tkacz-Śmiech, Stability of a-C:N:H layers deposited by RF Plasma Enhanced CVD, Solid State Phenomena, 147-149 (2009) 738-743, JCR,

  37. K. Kyzioł, S. Jonas, K. Tkacz-Śmiech, K. Marszałek, A role of parameters in RF PA CVD technology of a-C:N:H layers, Vacuum, 82 (2008) 998-1002, IF 1.114,




























































  1. Uhl T., Kyzioł K., Kozłowska K., Żakiewicz P., 2020, Plasma-enhanced chemical method for applying coatings on the cover plates in the railway buffers, Poland, Polish Patent Office, (with registration number P.410079, dated 2014-11-06)

  2. Kaczmarek Ł, Stegliński M., Sawicki J., Kula P., Kyzioł K., Batory D., Kottfer D., Klimek L.,2016, Method for improving mechanical properties of aluminum alloys, Poland, patent PL – 221932 B1, Polish Patent Office, (with registration number P.398270, dated 2012-02-29)


Copyright © Karol Kyzioł