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LIP_INDEXTYPE_BLOCK(offset, blksize, blkdispls, displcount, flags, itype)

IN offset displacement (in bytes) of the first block (integer)
IN blksize size (in bytes) of each block (integer)
IN blkdispls array of displacements within a block (array of integer)
IN displcount size of the displacement array (integer)
IN flags flags that contain additional information (integer)
OUT itype new index type (handle)

C syntax:

int LIP_Indextype_block(int offset, int blksize, int *blkdispl, int displcount, int flags, LIP_Indextype *itype)

LIP_INDEXTYPE_BLOCK creates the object itype which describes a layout of indices in the memory. Indices could be stored in groups (represented by contiguous blocks of memory); each group has the same layout, although the layout can be arbitrary within the group. The size of each block is specified by blksize. Within a block the consecutive indices are given by their displacements which are provided in the blkdispls array. The first block is at the offset displacement from the beginning of the index array. The flags argument can combine the following constants:

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