A Quick Start

To start using SWI-Prolog under Linux you need to have it installed. Fortunately, SWI-Prolog is a standard package in every reasonable Linux distribution.

In Ubuntu, you can use the Synaptic Package Manager to check (if unsure) or install (if not performed yet) the SWI-Prolog.

In order to start using Prolog follow the simplest recipe:

The above steps may look as follows:

ali@ali:~/ALI/PROLOG$ mkdir prolog
ali@ali:~/ALI/PROLOG$ cd prolog
ali@ali:~/ALI/PROLOG/prolog$ gedit socrates.pl

mortal(X):- man(X).

The above steps may look like:

ali@ali:~/ALI/PROLOG/prolog$ prolog
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, Version 5.6.14)
Copyright (c) 1990-2006 University of Amsterdam.
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Please visit http://www.swi-prolog.org for details.

For help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word).

?- [socrates].
% socrates compiled 0.00 sec, 864 bytes


This may look like:

?- man(socrates).

?- man(X).
X = plato ;
X = socrates ;

?- mortal(socrates).

?- mortal(X).
X = plato ;
X = socrates ;


Names like socrates, i.e. ones starting with a lower case letter are constants (proper names); variable names starts with an upper case letter. Both of them are parameters of predicates (relations) such as man or mortal. Every fact (a simple statement) such as man(socrates). is followed by a full stop. Every clause such as mortal(X):- man(X). represents and inference rule and is also followed by a full stop.

You can modify your program with the editor. After saving it always re-load it.

*To stop the Prolog interpreter/compiler type in the halt. command.

To obtain help you may type in one of the following commands:

?- help.
    Explain the basics of the help system. 

?- help(topic).
    Show help-page on the specified topic. 

?- apropos(string).
    Show all topics holding `string' in their summary documentation.

Have a fun by modifying the program and asking more and more complex questions!