Barszcz A. – cf. Szegda A., Kusiński J. ........................................................................ 9
Bartosik E. – cf. Frydrych H. ...................................................................................... 325
Buczek A. – cf. Telejko T., Malinowski Z. ................................................................ 177
Buczek B. – cf. Krajewski W. .................................................................................... 299
Budzyń S. – cf. Długosz A., Kornecka A., Czosnek C. ............................................. 151
Budzyń S. – cf. Długosz A., Ratuszek W., Czosnek C. .....................
........................ 201Bukiej W. – cf. Nowakowski J. .................................................................................. 169
Czosnek C. – cf. Długosz A., Kornecka .A., Budzyń S. ............................................. 151
Czosnek C. – cf. Długosz A., Ratuszek W., Budzyń S. ............................................. 201
Dańko R.: Factors Influencing the Limitation of Harmful Effect of Foundry
on Natural Environment ........................................................................................... 353
Długosz A., Kornecka A., Budzyń S., Czosnek C.: Investigation of Quality
Parameters of Cokes Manufactured from Different Coal Blends .................. ..............151
Długosz A., Ratuszek W., Czosnek C., Budzyń S.: The
Influence of the FormingMethods of Graphitoidal Electrodes upon their Anisotropy of the Electric
Resistance and Texturing ............................................................................................. 201
Duda P.: Application of T-05 Computer-aided Tribology Set to Investigation
of Tribological Properties of Construction Materials .......................................... 27
Florkowska B. – cf. Garda B., Jackowicz-Korczyński A., Zydroń P. ........................... 335
Frydrych H., Bartosik E.: Microstructure and Properties of Sintered Bronze
Cu-15Ni-8Sn .................................................................................................. 325
Garda B., Jackowicz-Korczyński A., Florkowska B., Zydroń P.: Analysis of
Electromagnetic Field of High Voltage Overhead Transmission Lines
for Environmental and Work Conditions ......................................................................... 335
Gireń B. G.: On Cavitation Erosion Resistance of the 45 and 2H13 Steels Remelted
by Laser Beam and Optical Discharge Plasma – a Treatise on Problems ............ 115
Gołdasz A.: Preliminary Investigation Into Using Sludge as Fuel ....................................... 317
Hernas A. – cf. Jonšta Z., Mazanec K. ....................................................................... 269
Jackowicz-Korczyński A. – cf. Garda B., Florkowska B., Zydroń P. ........................ 335
Jonšta Z., Hernas A., Mazanec K.: Contribution to the Physical Metallurgy Analysis
of Transverse Cracking in Continuously Cast Steel ......................................... 269
Kalicka Z. – cf. Kawecka-Cebula E. .......................................................................... 257
Karczewski K.: Radiation Recuperators with Microfinned Surface .............................. 89
Kawecka-Cebula E.: Determination of the Phosphor Capacity and Phosphor
Partition Coefficient from the Chemical Composition of Slag ...................... 71
Kawecka-Cebula E., Kalicka Z.: On Possibilities of Determination of the Nitrogen
Capacity on the Base of Slag Composition .................................................... 257
Kornecka A. – cf. Długosz A., Budzyń S., Czosnek C. ............................................. 151
Krajewski W., Buczek B.: Preliminary Examinations of Post-refining Gases
Composition Due to High-Aluminium Zinc Alloys Treatment ........................................ 299
Kusiak J. – cf. Tonderys G., Liszka P. ....................................................................... 19
J. – cf. Szegda A., Barszcz A. ...................................................................... 9Li YI. – cf. Zhao HF. .................................................................................................. 109
Liszka P. – cf. Tonderys G., Kusiak J. ....................................................................... 19
Longa W.: Calculation of Combustion Zone Height in Coke-fired Cupola (Coke
Pieces of Various Shape and Dimensions) .................................................................... 159
Longa W., Tabiś H.: Calculations of Risers in the Shape of Two Truncated Cones
Connected with Larger Bases and Capped with Hemisphere (Riser-casting
Connections of A Type) .............................................................................................. 231
Malinowski Z. – cf. Telejko T., Buczek A. .................................................................. 177
Malinowski Z., Szyndler R.: Finite Element 3-D Simulation of the Rotary Forging
Process ...................................................................................................................... 275
Mazanec K. – cf. Jonšta Z., Hernas A. ...................................................................... 269
Morel S., Morel S.: Reduction of Heat Inflow to Cooled and Non-cooled Thermal
Equipment Elements by Spraying Insulating Coatings on Their Surfaces ......................... 187
Morel S., Morel S.: The Protection of Metal Walls of Heated Equipment Against
Corrosion and Erosion ................................................................................................. 219
Morel S., Morel S.: The Intensification of Heat Absorption by Radiated Walls
Sprayed with Coatings with Hugh Thermal Absorptivity and Conductivity .....................287
Morel S. – cf. Morel S. ............................................................................................... 187
Morel S. – cf. Morel S. ............................................................................................... 219
Morel S. – cf. Morel S. ............................................................................................... 287
Natkaniec M.: High-end 3-way Speakers Based on Transmission Line System ............... 33
Nowakowski J., Bukiej W.: Investigation of the Optimisation of the Recovery
Processes of Arsenic from Solid Materials .................................................................... 169
Piasek K., Siewierski K., Spiechlanin G.: Data Acquisition System with the
TMS320C32 Digital Signal Processor ........................................................................ 347
Pietrzyk M. – cf. Svietlichnyj D. ................................................................................... 95
Ratuszek W. – cf. Długosz A., Czosnek C., Budzyń S. .................................................. 201
Siewierski K. – cf. Piasek K., Spiechlanin G. .............................................................. 347
Sińczak J.: Effect of Fixed Ends in Upset Forging Proces
s .......................................... 209Spiechlanin G. – cf. Piasek K., Siewierski K. ................................................................ 347
Svietlichnyj D., Pietrzyk M.: Application of the Finite Element Approach to a
Development of Roll Deformation Model for Four-high Stands .................................... 95
Szegda A., Barszcz A., Kusiński J.: Microstructural and Compositional Analysis
of the Ni- and Cr-rich Layer Formed During Laser Alloying of Medium
Carbon Steel ................................................................................................................ 9
Szyndler R. – cf. Malinowski Z. ................................................................................ 275
Tabiś H. – cf. Longa W. ..........
................................................................................... 231Telejko T., Malinowski Z., Buczek A.: Analysis of the Inverse Solution
in Application to Determining Thermal Conductivity of Metals ...................................... 177
Tonderys G., Liszka P., Kusiak J.: Artificial Neural Network Model to Predict Plate
Bending in Asymmetrical Rolling Process ...................................................................... 19
Wajda W.: A Trial of the Usage of Artificial Neural Networks to the Controlling
of the Convertor Process .............................................................................................. 305
Zhao HF., Li YL.: Effect of Boron and Chromium, Additions on Morphology and
Mechanical Properties of Low-manganese Wear-resistant Cast Iron ............................. 109
Zydroń P. – cf. Garda B., Jackowicz-Korczyński A., Florkowska B. ............................... 335