About me
I was graduated at the AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mining, in 1974, with M. Eng. degree with distinction, in the speciality of mine design and construction. I obtained Ph.D. degree in 1977, D.Sc. degree (after habilitation exams) in 1985 and the title of Professor – in 1997.
I also participated in international scientific research and exchange – in the United Kingdom (1984, 1987, 1996), Hungary (1987), Bulgaria (1987), USSR (1988) and Spain (1996).
On October 1, 1977 I was employed at the AGH University of Science and Technology, in the beginning as assistant and later as senior assistant, lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor and since July 1, 2003 till June 29, 2019 – full professor.
I actively participated in the process of restructuring Polish hard coal mining sector as a member of managing boards of mining companies: Rybnik Coal Company - during the period: March 1998 – September 1999 and Nadwiślańska Coal Company - during the period: September 1999 – June 2004 (since August 2002 till June 2004 as Deputy President. During the period: June 2004 – June 2015 I was a member of Managing Board of Heat Energy Company in Katowice (since January 2011 till June 2015 as Deputy President).
I was a member of Section of Mine Design and Construction of Committee of Mining of Polish Academy of Sciences (1983-1996), Vice-President of Section of Design and Construction of Committee of Mining of Polish Academy of Sciences (1996-2002), member of the Expert Group for Evaluation of Production Capacity and Investment’s Projects, affiliated with the State Agency of Restructuring Hard Coal Mining in Poland (1998-1999), member of American Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Incorporation (1992-1994). During the period: 2002-2010 I was a member of Section for Economy and Organisation of Mining of Committee of Mining of Polish Academy of Sciences, in the period: 2011-2019 as a Team Member.
During the period: 1993-1996 I was Vice-Dean of Faculty of Mining at the AGH University of Science and Technology, in the period: 1996-2002 - Deputy Head of Department of Design, Construction, Economics and Management in Mining at the AGH University of Science and Technology (name of the Department was changed in 2000 - new name: Department of Economics and Management in Industry). Since March 7, 2005 till September 29, 2016 – Head of Department of Economics and Management in Industry at the AGH University of Science and Technology. My employment contract with the AGH University of Science and Technology expired on June 29, 2019. I was elected twice as a member of the Scientific Board of Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2015-2018, 2019-2022).
During my professional activity I was an author or co-author of 170 publications, 13 times PhD promoter, 16 times PhD reviewer, 11 times DSc reviewer, 180 times MSc promoter and 51 times BSc promoter.
For my research, educational and organisational activities I was awarded and distinguished with: Silver Cross of Merit (1989), Golden Cross of Merit (1999), Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polish Rebirth (2009), Golden Medal for Long-term Duty (2013), National Education Medal (2000), Award of Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technology (1979), Award of Ministry of National Education (2000), Awards of Rector of AGH University of Science and Technology (1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2015), Bronze Badge „Meritorious for the Province of Lublin (1993), Bronze Badge „Meritorious for the Polish Mining Industry(1993), Silver Badge „Meritorious for the Polish Mining Industry (1997), Honorary Badge „Meritorious for the Polish Mining Industry (2004), Honorary Badge „Meritorious for KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. (2011).
Hobbes: history, cycling.
Privately: daughter and son, and two grandsons.