Complete set of solutions for all instances of the Oberwolfach problem for orders 41 ≤ n ≤ 100

See the paper Solutions to the Oberwolfach problem for orders up to 100 for detailed instruction on how to construct a solution from a single base 2-factor.

Downloadable files (in 7z archive format):
n=41 [71.1K]
n=42 [91.1K]
n=43 [108.0K]
n=44 [132.7K]
n=45 [147.9K]
n=46 [187.6K]
n=47 [218.3K]
n=48 [266.9K]
n=49 [297.9K]
n=50 [372.9K]
n=51 [429.9K]
n=52 [520.6K]
n=53 [596.1K]
n=54 [718.7K]
n=55 [824.8K]
n=56 [991.8K]
n=57 [1.1M]
n=58 [1.3M]
n=59 [1.5M]
n=60 [1.8M]
n=61 [2.0M]
n=62 [2.4M]
n=63 [2.8M]
n=64 [3.3M]
n=65 [3.6M]
n=66 [4.4M]
n=67 [5.0M]
n=68 [2.9M]
n=69 [6.6M]
n=70 [8.0M]
n=71 [9.0M]
n=72 [5.0M]
n=73 [11.8M]
n=74 [14.1M]
n=75 [15.8M]
n=76 [18.9M]
n=77 [20.6M]
n=78 [24.6M]
n=79 [27.5M]
n=80 [32.5M]
n=81 [35.7M]
n=82 [42.4M]
n=83 [47.3M]
n=84 [54.7M]
n=85 [61.3M]
n=86 [70.9M]
n=87 [80.4M]
n=88 [92.8M]
n=89 [103.6M]
n=90 [115.4M]
n=91 [127.7M]
n=92 [146.8M]
n=93 [170.7M]
n=94 [179.4M]
n=95 [194.6M]
n=96 [232.7M]
n=97 [269.9M]
n=98 [274.1M]
n=99 [333.1M]
n=100 [346.6M]