DESCRIPTION: JAMESSON SUBDIVISION A parcel of land in Section 9 T72N, R10W of the 5th P.M. Jefferson County, Iowa, more particularly described as follows. Commencing at the NW Corner of said Section 9, thence N 89%%d30'49"E 2,672.53 feet to the point of beginning, thence N 89%%d15'45"E 874.94 feet, thence S 36%%d00'00"E 922.42 feet, thence N 90%%d00'00"W 787.11 feet, thence S 0%%d00'00"E 105.00 feet, thence N 90%%d00'00"W 209.98 feet, thence S 87%%d16'24"W 210.22 feet, thence S 81%%d43'49"W 208.55 feet, thence N 0%%d14'04"W 880.00 feet, to the point of beginning. Containing 21.15 acres including 1.81 acres of present and proposed right of way.