Autor of Drawing2d program:
Program describe:
Milenin A. Program komputerowy Drawing2d – narzędzie do analizy procesów technologicznych ciągnienia wielostopniowego // Hutnik, No 2, 2005. - s. 100-104.
Application of program Drawind2d to wire
A.Milenin, H.Dyja, Z.Muskalski, J.Pilarzyk 3-D FEM analysis of roller
die and hydrodynamic drawing of high carbon steel wires // Wire Journal Int., 2005,
#12, P. 54-59.
Muskalski Z., Milenin A., Pilarczyk J. Comparing
hydrodynamic and conventional wire drawing // Wire Industry, # 10, 2005, P.
Z. Muskalski, A. Milenin Theoretical and experimental
analysis the drawing process with change of drawing direction,
Pikos B., Michalczyk J., Kranc
J., Milenin A., Pilarczyk J.W. Wpływ kształtu części roboczej i kalibrującej ciągadła
na silę ciągnienia oraz własności mechaniczne drutów okrągłych // Hutnik, Nr
1-2, (2007), s. 78-81.
A. Milenin, Z. Muskalski, S. Wiewiórowska, P. KUSTRA The multi-scale FEM
simulation of the drawing processes of high carbon steel / // Journal of Achievements
in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering ; ISSN 1734-8412. — 2007 vol. 23
iss. 2 s. 71–74. — Bibliogr. s. 74, Abstr.
A.Milenin, B.P.Gautham, S.Goyal, J.W. Pilarczyk, Z.Muskalski The FEM
simulation of wire fracture phenomena during multi-pass drawing// 2007
Conference Proceedings of The Wire Association International, Inc.Wire &
Cable Technical Symposium 77th Annual Convention Cleveland, Ohio, USA May 2007,
p. 236-246.
A. Milenin, Z. Muskalski The FEM simulation of
cementite lamellas deformation in pearlitic colony during drawing of high
carbon steel / // W: NUMIFORM '07 : materials processing and design : modeling,
simulation and applications : proceedings of the 9th international conference
on NUMerical methods in Industrial FORMing processes : Porto, Portugal, 17–21
A. Milenin, Z. Muskalski, P. Kustra The multi-scale FEM simulation of
wire fracture during drawing of perlitic steel // Materials Science Forum Vols.
575-578 (2008) pp 1433-1438
A. Milenin, P. Kustra Opracowanie
parametrów procesu ciągnienia drutów ze stopu magnezu w podgrzewanych
ciągadłach za pomocą modelowania numerycznego — Work up parameters for
magnesium alloy drawing process in hot die with numerical analysis / // W:
KomPlasTech 2008 : informatyka w technologii metali : materiały XV konferencji
: Korbielów, 6–9 stycznia 2008 / eds. F. Grosman, M. Hyrcza-Michalska. — Kraków
: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akapit, 2008. — ISBN 978-83-60958-06-3. — S. 27–34. —
Bibliogr. s. 33–34, Abstr., Streszcz
The FEM model of drawing
analysis of drawing process was performed with a help of the Drawing 2d
software [7], which has been elaborated especially for the solution of the
drawing problem. In this FEM model a boundary problem has been solved
considering other phenomena: plastic deformation, heat transfer, wire heating
due to deformation and friction. In the model, the strain tensor distribution
obtained in previous pass is transferred to the next one. A change of the
drawing direction is also possible in the elaborated software.
For obtaining the solution of the
boundary problem, the variation principle of rigid-plastic theory is used:
, (1)
where: - yield stress,
- the intensity of strain rate, V – volume,
- mean stress,
- volumetric strain
rate; F - the metal contact area with
the die,
- the stress of the
- the metal slip
velocity along the surface of the die.
The components of the deformation
tensor are calculated through integration of each
component of the strain rate tensor along the flow line:
, (2)
where: - the current time increment,
- the values of the components of the strain
rate tensor determined according to the follow equation:
, (3)
where: N - the finite element shape functions, - the nodal values of the components of the
strain rate tensor for the current finite element, nnd – the
number of nodes in element.
A determination of the next points
of the flow line based on the calculation of the components of metal velocity
for current point k according to the
follow equation:
, (4)
and the integration of coordinates:
. (5)
In that way the flow lines are estimated,
which give the possibility to make easy the visual analysis of the deformation
states during the drawing processes.
The general algorithm of model is
shown above.
Possibilities of Drawing2d software
- In every
point in a deformation zone in a process of drawing steel in a conical die
digital values of temperature, strain, strain rate and stress state can be
immediately found.
- A strain
distribution on a cross section of a wire is transferred to the next pass; it
allows that a difference in the hardening on the cross section of drawn wire is
taken into account in a process
- Program
offers a possibility of an investigation of an influence of a change of a
direction of drawing on mentioned in item 1 process parameters.
- Distortions
of a rectangular mesh are visualized in every pass and locating any node exact
values of coordinates of x and y and tangential strain are obtained.
Force of draw and draw stress in every
pass can be calculated and immediately visualized graphically in histograms
- Input
parameters are as follows:
- Data
library is available for tens steel and nonferrous materials grades.
- Extremely
short time of a whole calculation – in the case of six passes drawing of a high
carbon steel wires simulation presented in this work lasted only about 20
minutes on PC (Celeron 2.4).
Shortening of a time of calculation is related with a decrease of amount of
mesh nodes and new mathematical approach; simulation results of mesh
distortions, draw stress and a surface temperature were verified experimentally
and a good agreement has been found.
- Wire
fracture prognoses.
installation You must to contact with author.