Space Shooter

Space Shooter is a modified version of the arcade style shooter, created on the basis of the Unity guide. Main goal of the game is to steer a spaceship and destroy incoming asteroids. The player receives points for destroying an asteroid before it reaches the bottom of the screen.

 Space Shooter 1

The user can shoot by clenching his fist. The speed of asteroids is manipulated based on heart rate, while the brightness of the background changes according to the calculated emotional index.

Heart rate computed during calibration phase is the default value, with which the readings are compared during the game, so as to modify the speed of asteroids. In the case of EMG calibration, readings are used later as a threshold value, above which the game mechanism will read the movement of the hand as a shot.

Game was created by Kamil Osuch, student.

In this game, the player controls a spaceship in order to bring down as many asteroids as possible. One can either shoot or avoid those obstacles. If an asteroid is destroyed, the user receives specified amount of points. The player can see their score at the top of the screen. It is a modified version of our Space Shooter 1, extended and without the affective loop. The game is fully controllable by a gamepad.

 Space Shooter 2

Asteroids are spawned in series, with 10 asteroids per batch. Obstacles are divided into two groups:

  • Nonaffective – gray. If they are destroyed by user, an explosion sound is played and the player receives 10 points.
  • Affective – blue, green, yellow and red. Each color is connected with one of four conditions: p+s+, p–s+, p+s–, p–s–, randomly assigned at the beginning of the play. The order of occurrence of pictures and sounds is also randomized. Only one affective asteroid is spawned in every batch. If such and obstacle is destroyed, the user receives 50 points. At the same time, stimuli are presented. After 5 minutes of the play, the stimuli are no longer connected with specified color - Inconsistent Reality Logic game design pattern is applied.

Android version of Space Shooter 2.
APK file.

 Space Shooter 2 Mobile