Statistical Dominance Algorithm

SDA performs the initial stage of edge detection or segmentation of digital grayscale images. The algorithm counts the number of pixels with a given relation to the central point of the neighborhood. The output image is a statistical result of the dominance of points over their neighborhoods and allows the classification of these points to be determined (peak, valley, and slope). Therefore, this solution allows the impact of noise or uneven illumination in image results to be reduced. [1], PDF

Main applications of the algorithm:

Small object detection (e.g. cell detection)
Edge detection
Image normalization
Other applications (e.g. car licence plates)


ImageJ plugin: SDA_.jar (M. Gumula)
script use: run("SDA ", "r=20 threshold=50 relationship=>= neighborhood=disc negative normalise");

Demo application SDA.exe (.Net 2.0), SDA4.exe (.Net 4.0),

The main idea

for (x = N; x < SX - N; x++)
  for (y = N; y < SY - N; y++)
    imgout[x,y] = 0;	 
    for (i = -N; i <= N; i++)
      for (j = -N; j <= N; j++)
        if (i * i + j * j <= R * R)
          if (imgin[x + i, y + j] >= imgin[x, y] + threshold)
            imgout[x, y]++;

Small Object Detection

[2] an idea of small object detection by SDA
SDA (r=50, threshold=50)
SDA (r=50, threshold=50), binarization threshold=150
SDA (r=25, threshold=14)
plugin view

White Matter Hyperintensities dataset: [5], [6].


Segmentation of heart chambers (atria, ventricles) and valve leaflets on CT data

8-bitSDA settings 16 bit (DICOM) -> PNG 16bit 1:1 SDA settings

Edge detection

SDA of grayscale
SDA of Red
SDA of Blue
SDA of grayscale
SDA: r=20, threshold=0, neighborhood=horizontal

Image normalization

Normalization: Magnetic Resonance Imaging [3]

SDA parameters: r=50, threshold=0, neighborhood=disc

MRI normalization

Normalization: Corneal Endothelium Images [1]

maximal filter 3x3
r=2, threshold=0
r=3, threshold=0
ImageJ script: corneal_normalization.ijm
youtube presentation (PL)

Enchancing the trabecular structure of bone on the X-ray images [7]

histogram equalisement
CLAHE+hist. equal.
SDA (r=50, thr=0, neg, disc)
maximal filter 3x3
r=2, threshold=0
r=3, threshold=0

Other applications


Car Licence Plates

Car Licence Plates
Car - SDA, r=5.0, threshold=30
Car - SDA, r=5.0, threshold=120


[1] Piorkowski A.: A Statistical Dominance Algorithm for Edge Detection and Segmentation of Medical Images. AISC vol. 471, Springer, 2016, pp. 3-14. PDF, bib.
[2] Nurzynska, K., Mikhalkin, A., Piorkowski, A.: CAS: Cell Annotation Software - Research on Neuronal Tissue Has Never Been so Transparent. Neuroinformatics, 2017, Vol. 15, Iss. 4, pp 365-382. Springer, PDF, bib.
[3] Obuchowicz, R., Urbanik, A., Piórkowski, A.: Novel Technique for Growth Plate Analysis Based on the Superposition of T1-and T2-weighted MR Imaging of Adolescent Wrists. Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences, 2020; 19(3): 259–267. PDF, bib.
[4] Fabijanska, A., Danek, M., Barniak, J., Piorkowski, A.: A Comparative Study of Image Enhancement Methods in Tree-Ring Analysis. In International Conference on Image Processing and Communications, Springer, AISC vol. 525, 2017, pp. 69-78. Springer
[5] Piorkowski A., Lasek J.: Evaluation of Local Thresholding Algorithms for Segmentation of White Matter Hyperintensities in Magnetic Resonance Images of the Brain. ICAI 2021. Springer, CCIS, vol. 1455, 2021, pp 331-345.
[6] Milewska, K., Obuchowicz, R., Piorkowski, A.: A preliminary approach to plaque detection in mri brain images. IEEE EMB ISC 2020. Springer, AISC, vol 1360, 2022, pp 94-105
[7] Kaminski, P., Nurzynska, K., Kwiecien, J., Obuchowicz, R., Piorkowski, A., Pociask, E., Stepien, A., Kociolek, M., Strzelecki, M., Augustyniak, P.: Sex Differentiation of Trabecular Bone Structure Based on Textural Analysis of Pelvic Radiographs. J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 1904. PDF