# |
Subject |
How to prepare for the exercise |
- The Basics
- Creating animations
Creating a responsive website based on the framework Bootstrap, W3.CSS or Foundation
On the computers in the lab 4.29, 4.30 and on the PCoIP pool "Basic system — ICSR (Win10)", the
Studio Code editor is installed
- Read what features related to the creation of HTML documents and CSS sheets offers this editor
- Watch a video about creating the above-mentioned
Run the editor using command code
- Using the "Open folder..." option (Ctrl+K Ctrl+O) specify the directory where your
documents and scripts will be stored
- Within the "EXPLORER" panel, hover your mouse over the name of the above directory and click the
File" icon — create an HTML document (file) called 'document.html'
Press Shift+1, and next Enter, which will create a sample HTML document. If
editor does not have this keyboard shortcut, then create the document manually
with the following content:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>Page title</title>
Modify the document — it should contain:
- The h1 element with your name and surname
an internal
sheet containing the following two rules:
- The left margin of the web page should be 100 pixels
- The content of all elements 'h1' should be displayed in red
- View this document in a web browser
JavaScript (the Vanilla JS framework)
- Basic data types
- Built-in objects
- Accessing form fields using DOM 0
- Event handling using DOM 0
- Creating dynamic graphics — the "canvas" element
- Unit tests based on Mocha and Chai
The DOM 4 standard
- Dynamic change of CSS styles
- Creating and modifying the contents of HTML documents "on the fly"
- Event handling
- Web components
- Creating simple websites — 'http' module
- File system support — 'fs' module
After logging in to the Linux system (laboratory 4.29 / 4.30), configure the Visual Studio Code
Complete the following commands:
mkdir ~/exercise4
cd ~/exercise4
npm init --yes
npm install --save eslint eslint-config-airbnb-base eslint-plugin-import
echo -e "module.exports = {\n 'extends': 'airbnb-base',\n 'rules': {\n 'no-console': 0\n }\n};" > .eslintrc.js
code --install-extension dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
code ~/exercise4
- Within the "EXPLORER" panel, hover your mouse over the name exercise4 and click the "New
File" icon — create an empty file / script named script.js
Place the following JS code in it:
console.log('\x1B[31mHello World\x1B[0m\n');
- Use the Ctrl+` keyboard sequence to open the terminal panel, and then enter node
script.js in it, which will run your script; here: writing, in red, the inscription
"Hello World"
If you want to define a specific keystroke sequence (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+R) to run the command
(e.g. node <descriptive_name >), then:
Press Ctrl+K Ctrl+S, and the open the keybindings.json file and place,
a pair of square brackets, shown below in lines 2-6, the content:
{ "key": "ctrl+alt+r",
"command": "workbench.action.tasks.runTask",
"args": "node",
"when": "editorLangId == 'javascript'"
Create the tasks.json file with the task content definition:
- Press Ctrl+Shift+B
- Choose "No build task to run found. Configure Build Task..."
- Choose "Create tasks.json file from template"
- Choose "Others"
Replace its contents with the following::
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "node",
"command": "node",
"args": [ "${file}" ]
- Place a code snippet in the JS script that is incompatible with the rules for writing the correct code and check
the editor underlines this passage
- Hover over the underlined fragment and see what appears in the "bubble"
- Check if the autocomplete works — add the text
console.l at the end of the
there is no menu with suggestions for method names, then press Ctrl+Space
Read how to use a debugger
Framework Express — the basics
- Creating a web application using the 'Pug' template system
- Creating an internet application using the 'MongoDB' database
- Performing asynchronous queries, communication with the server using the
- Read response data based on the
responseText() method / responseXML()
JQuery programming library
- DOM support
- AJAX support
- Creating a user interface based on Bootstrap