- converts an OAI-PMH document into the DOAJ format; optionally also into the DBLP or PBN. [--help] [--man] [--version] [--doajLogin username] [--doajPass password] [startDate] [endDate]
# Generate, in the current directory, DOAJ file
# for the entire period of time, i.e., for all (input) records.
./ 2013-01-01 2013-07-30
# Generate, in the current directory, DOAJ file
# for a given period of time.
./ --doajLogin 1234 --doajPass abcd 2013-01-01 2013-07-30
# Generate, in the current directory, DOAJ file
# for a given period of time, and send DOAJ file to the DOAJ site;
# sign in using '1234' as a username and 'abcd' as a password.
This script converts an PMH-OAI document into DOAJ, and optionally sends DOAJ output file to DOAJ repository.
The script can also convert the data into DBLP format or PBN format, but by default, the DBLP file / PBN file is not generated. If you copy the file, and put it in the current directory, then the script, during its operation, will also generate an output file in DBLP format. If you copy the file, and put it in the current directory, then the script, during its operation, will also generate an output file in PBN format. takes the following arguments:
(Optional.) Displays the usage message.
(Optional.) Displays all documentation.
(Optional.) Displays the current version of the script.
--doajLogin login
(Optional.) Specifies the login name used during authentication on DOAJ repository.
--doajPass password
(Optional.) Specifies the password used during authentication on DOAJ repository.
(Optional.) Specifies the start date for a period of time.
Format ISO 8601, see
(Optional.) Specifies the end date for a period of time.
Format ISO 8601, see
Stanislaw Polak, <>.
This program is distributed under the Artistic License.