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====== Projects ====== ===== Fuzzy Semantic Petri Nets ===== Fuzzy Semantic Petri Nets (FSPN) are Petri nets coupled with an underlying fuzzy ontology. *The fuzzy ontology stores facts about a development of a certain complex event (or a process). They are expressed as fuzzy unary or binary relations between participating objects. The ontology ABox is updated with new observations. *The Petri net defines a scenario of an event (or a process, if you like), its places correspond to the scenario steps *Tokens in FSPN represent combinations of objects participating in the event. They are attributed with weights expressing likelihood of a scenario step occurrence *Guards in FSPN are conjunctions of fuzzy predicates referencing the coupled ontology FSPN were applied to the problem of video event recognition. In the presented example an abandonned laguagge is correctly detected. (The event scenario and the dataset were published at [[|PETS 2006 Workshop]]) . The clip below shows the GUI of a software, that internally usess the FSPN approach to recognize video events. <html> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </html>

projects.1381799268.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/15 02:07 (external edit)