Fanny Klett, Ph.D.
Dr. Fanny Klett has been with IDMT since 2004 and leads its research and business area Data Representation and Interfaces. In addition, she assumed the Directorship of the German Workforce Advanced Distributed Learning Partnership Laboratory, which is run in cooperation with the US Government, in 2009.
Fanny Klett holds a Ph.D. in Electronic Media Technology from Ilmenau University of Technology. Her research and development interests are directed to new technologies in the area of information and data management for human resources development, learning and training, competency and job performance management, data life cycle management, enterprise content management, collaborative systems, knowledge management, transfer of knowledge, e-assessment, digital libraries and repositories as well as sensor and data fusion for monitoring man-machine cooperation.
Dr. Klett was a visiting scientist at the Institute for Computer-Supported New Media, Graz University of Technology, and is now being invited as visiting lecturer at many European universities. She actively works in standardization bodies such as the IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee, the IEEE Standards Association, the US Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative, the Learning Education and Training Systems Interoperability Association, and the ISO SC36 for learning, education and training, and the ongoing ISO SC38 for web services.
Dr. Klett actively contributes to conferences of the UNESCO, the IEEE, the APSCE, etc. She chaired and served on more than 20 planning and program committees (IEEE, APSCE, EAEEIE, ICL, IMCL, etc.). She is associated editor of the IEEE Education Society and ASEE Electrical and Computer Engineering Division joint publication “The Interface” and serves on the reviewer board of the IEEE Transactions on Education, and the IEEE Educational Technology and Society Journal.
Dr. Klett is an IEEE Fellow and chairs committees on the IEEE Educational Activities Board and the IEEE Computer Society Member and Geographic Activities Board as well as the German Chapter of the IEEE Education Society. She is also Member of the Sponsor Executive Committee and Secretary of the IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee chartered by the IEEE Computer Society Standards Activity Board, and Member of the Council and the Academic Board of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering.
Dr. Klett has published more than 60 technical and invited papers and book chapters and organized numerous Special Sessions and Workshops on various digital information research topics at leading international conferences.
Keynote Title:
The World as a System of Sub-Systems - Information Management in Heterogeneous Environments
Open Access and the increasing requirement of linking repositories address the need for an infrastructure that allows the users to access, discover and reuse the stored content. Against this background, a main objective in research and development is the support of user-oriented services across the digital subsystems by facilitating the work of repository managers and service managers, end users and meta-users as well as content aggregators and archivists.
This talk will observe strategies to support access and use of repositories seen in the light of subsystems in the global information management system, with an eye toward the establishment of an efficient repository services infrastructure in heterogeneous environments. Also new technological approaches on the creation of linked research, training and work environments will be in the scope of the talk by showing technical models that might meet the expectations of the end users for sustainable services across the repository subsystems within the landscape of the wider information system.