Takashi Uozumi, Associate Professor
Keynote Title:
Construction of monitoring agent systems for an era of ubiquitous medical engineering
Management of health using ubiquitous technology is anticipated to safeguard human life in Japan’s aging society. Effective management prevents illnesses from reaching a severe state in many cases. Therefore, it attracts attention for its overall reduction of medical expenses. Both maintenance of an infrastructure and expansion of its contents must be addressed to realize a better society. Maintenance of an infrastructure and development of software for a health management system using agent technology are progressing simultaneously. As one example, an agent that monitors health by visually displaying the likely outcome of a diet is introduced herein.
Trial applications of ubiquitous technology to the medical domain to support an aging society have been undertaken globally. Substantial efforts at promoting the maintenance of infrastructure hardware, such as networks and servers, and user convenience are necessary for ubiquitous technology. Muroran in Japan is also contributing through three projects pursued as special areas of ubiquitous medical engineering. They are a ubiquitous town project, a ubiquitous specified area project, and a different field personnel training project. An outline of the maintenance situation of three infrastructural components will be explained in the lecture.