Radio_ground - Astrophotography - Mirosław Stygar

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1. Amateur Balloon Weather Missions
  • Launching a meteorological balloon mission - Marki [SSTV 144.500 MHz] (22.04.2023)
2. Ground stations - WEFAX
  • DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst) Weather Fax - DDH [3855.0, 7880.0, 13882.5 KHz]
  • Radio Facsimile Broadcast - Fleet Weather And Oceanographic Centre, Northwood - GYA [2618.5, 4610.0, 8040.0, 11086.5 KHz]
3. Ground stations - RTTY
  • DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst) RTTY Service - DDK2 [4583 KHz]
4. Other ground stations
  • SR2WX automatic amateur weather and information station [144.950 MHz]
5. Others
  • Namibian radio station FM (17.09.2023)
  • Japanese radio station FM (31.10.2023)
  • Cyprian radio station FM (22.08.2024)
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