Next: Knowledge representation
Up: Expert systems
Previous: Expert systems concept
There are five major methods of creating a knowledge base. The
selection is based on an amount of information that should be
delivered to an expert system (based on [5]).
- rote learning - Learning process is done by explicit
programming, without any interaction with a system.
- learning by being told - This method is based on
interaction between the teacher (an expert) and the student (an
expert system). The teacher points what kind of knowledge is
important, and the student aggregates it with the knowledge it has
possessed so far.
- learning by analogies - It is an ability to transform the
possessed knowledge in such a way that it could be used in solving other,
but still similar, problems.
- learning by examples - This method is based on gathering
information from given examples and their classification in proper
classes. Examples are given by a teacher.
- learning by observations - It is also called:
learning without a teacher. This is generalized inductive
learning. Similar to learning by examples but without a
teacher. It is used in pattern recognition and cluster analysis
Next: Knowledge representation
Up: Expert systems
Previous: Expert systems concept
Igor Wojnicki