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Up: Compilation and installation
Previous: Compilation and installation
The Osiris is distributed in a source code form as tar archive
format. It could be obtained from the author
( Current release is named:
In order to compile and install the Osiris system the following components
are necessary:
- Unix environment (the trusted platform is Debian GNU Linux, but
it should compile and run under almost every Unix system).
- X Window System - a standard graphical environment compatible
with X11 Release 4 is required.
- GNU gcc (GNU Project C and C++ compiler), Osiris was compiled
using gcc 2.7.2.
- GTK+ library version 1.2 or above - the main graphical libraries
Osiris uses.
- GNU Make utility.
- gKheops - the source distribution of gKheops is needed;
gKheops isn't essential but it is a valuable support (if there is no
gKheops, the Launcher module will not work, but there is sill an
ability to develop rules).
- Kheops - it is needed to launch the developed set of rules,
however it isn't required to design rules.
Restoring from the archive is done by:
tar xvfz osiris_0.1.tar.gz
or on older systems:
gzip -dc osiris_0.1.tar.gz | tar xf -
It results in creating a directory named ./osiris
where the source code tree is placed.
Next: Compilation
Up: Compilation and installation
Previous: Compilation and installation
Igor Wojnicki