Table of Contents

Lighting interfaces v2


All communications should be done over HTTP/1.1 so as to allow for keepalive.

Timestamp format is ISO 8601, e.g.:


State interface

Lamp (device) addressing

Devices (lamps, sensors) are addressed using a text-based unique identifier e.g:


A device addres, refered to as ADDR later on, has the following properties:


For a single device URI:


For a range of devices' URI:


For a set of devices' URI:



Device properties are represented as parameters. A parameter is identified by its name. Parameters, referred to as PARAMS later on, are subject to the same wildcards as ADDR.


A single parameter URI:


Multiple parameters URI:


All parameters URI:


Get device parameter


e.g. getting 'state' parameter:

 GET /PL_KRK_0070034_45_6_01/state


  "timestamp": "2014-03-25T14:03Z", 
  "data": [
    {"id": "PL_KRK_0070034_45_6_01", "state": "on" },

Get multiple parameters


 GET /PL_KRK_0070034_45_6_01/{state,dimming}


  "timestamp": "2014-03-25T14:03Z", 
  "data": [
    {"id": "PL_KRK_0070034_45_6_01", "state": "on", "dimming": 50 }

Get all parameters

 GET /PL_KRK_0070034_45_6_01/*


  timestamp: "2014-03-25T14:03Z", 
  data: [
    {"id": "PL_KRK_0070034_45_6_01", "state": "on", "dimming": 50 }

Subscribe to parameter changes

This is done by specifying the lasttimestamp GET parameter, which contains the last known timestamp of an update:

GET /*/state?lasttimestamp=2014-03-25T14:03:18+0100

If something has changed from that timestamp, the response will be issued immediately with the current data.

If nothing has changed, the connection will hang until an update of any queried parameters occurs.

Nonexistant addresses or parameters

In case of nonexistant ADDR or PARAMS a null is returned as parameter value

Assuming that foo does not exist the following request:

GET /PL_KRK_0070034_45_6_01/{status,foo}

results in (mind foo is not there):

  "data": [
      { "id": "PL_KRK_0070034_45_6_01", "status" :0.0 } 

Assuming that ADDR does not exists:

GET /non_existing_addr/something

results in (mind there is no object for the requested address):

  "data": [ 

Control interface

Change lamp parameters:


with the following request data:

  "data" : [
    {"id": "PL_KRK_0070034_45_6_01", "dimming" : 50,  "state": "on" },
    {"id": "PL_KRK_0070034_45_6_02", "state": "off" }

That will set:

Returns confirmation that particular parameters are set with additional timestamp:

  "timestamp": "2014-03-25T14:03:22+0200", 
  "data": [
    {"id": "PL_KRK_0070034_45_6_01", "dimming" : 50,  "state": "on" },

If the parameter cannot be changed, or if it is nonexistant it is not returned/confirmed:


  "data" : [ {"id": "PL_KRK_0070034_45_6_01", "detecdted" :"false", "detected":"false"} ]


  "data" : [ {"id": "PL_KRK_0070034_45_6_01", "detected":"false"} ] 

Non-existant addresses or parameters

If an ADDR does not exist: Request:

  "data" : [ { "id": "non_existing", "detected":"false" } ]


  "data" : [ ]

Log interface


LIMS interface

LIMS Info interface

Main goal:

It is provided as GEOJSON, where location is array-encoded [longitude, latitude, elevation]

GET /info


{ "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
      { "type": "Feature",
        "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [19.0, 50.0, 118.0]},
        "properties": {
          "id": "PL_KRK_0070034_45_6_01",
          "type": "d",
          "class": "traffic",
          "attributes": [
            { "name": "detected", "communication": "ro", "type": "atom", "values": [ "true", "false", "unknown" ]},
            { "name": "control", "communication": "rw", "type": "numeric",  "ranges": [ {"from": 0.0, "to": 10.0, "precision": 0.1 } ] } 
      { "type": "Feature",
        "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [19.0, 50.0, 118.0]},
        "properties": {
          "id": "PL_KRK_0070034_45_6_01",
          "type": "l",
          "class": "light",
          "attributes": [
            { "name": "status", "communication": "rw", "type": "numeric", "ranges": [ {"from": 0.0, "to": 100.0, "precision": 1.0 } ] }

where attributes object consists of:

In the example above a single address acts as a two types of device: d and l, by definition they must use disjoint set of properties.

A complete LIMS response example:

  "features": [
      "geometry": {"coordinates": [19.972399, 50.066368, 0.0 ], "type":"Point"},
      "properties": {
	"attributes": [
	    "values": ["true", "false" ],
	    "ranges": []
      "geometry": {"coordinates": [19.972399, 50.066353, 0.0 ], "type":"Point"},
      "properties": {
	"attributes": [
	    "values": ["true", "false" ],
	    "ranges": []
      "geometry": {"coordinates": [19.972534, 50.066368, 0.0 ], "type":"Point"},
      "properties": {
	"attributes": [
	    "values": ["true", "false" ],
	    "ranges": []
      "geometry": {"coordinates": [19.972534, 50.066357, 0.0 ], "type":"Point"},
      "properties": {
	"attributes": [
	    "values": ["true", "false" ],
	    "ranges": []
      "geometry": {"coordinates": [19.972408, 50.06628, 0.0 ], "type":"Point"},
      "properties": {
	"attributes": [
	    "values": ["true", "false" ],
	    "ranges": []
      "geometry": {"coordinates": [19.972408, 50.066265, 0.0 ], "type":"Point"},
      "properties": {
	"attributes": [
	    "values": ["true", "false" ],
	    "ranges": []
      "geometry": {"coordinates": [19.972542, 50.066284, 0.0 ], "type":"Point"},
      "properties": {
	"attributes": [
	    "values": ["true", "false" ],
	    "ranges": []
      "geometry": {"coordinates": [19.972542, 50.066269, 0.0 ], "type":"Point"},
      "properties": {
	"attributes": [
	    "values": ["true", "false" ],
	    "ranges": []
      "geometry": {"coordinates": [19.972359, 50.066387, 0.0 ], "type":"Point"},
      "properties": {
	"attributes": [
	    "values": [],
	    "ranges": [ {"from":0.0, "to":100.0, "precision":10.0} ]
      "geometry": {"coordinates": [19.972464, 50.066395, 0.0 ], "type":"Point"},
      "properties": {
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	    "values": [],
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      "geometry": {"coordinates": [19.972553, 50.066399, 0.0 ], "type":"Point"},
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      "geometry": {"coordinates": [19.972433, 50.066322, 0.0 ], "type":"Point"},
      "properties": {
	"attributes": [
	    "values": [],
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      "geometry": {"coordinates": [19.972496, 50.066322, 0.0 ], "type":"Point"},
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      "geometry": {"coordinates": [19.972399, 50.066391, 0.0 ], "type":"Point"},
      "properties": {
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      "properties": {
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      "properties": {
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      "geometry": {"coordinates": [19.972481, 50.066425, 0.0 ], "type":"Point"},
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