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Guitar is accompanying me since over 30 years, that is not representative for the quality of sounds I produce this way. At the beginning I liked the common singing by the fire (or in the yacht cabin), later I appreciated the recreative power of it (always ready to use, not tireing the eyes), and finally now it is often an object of common play with children. As far as I consider it as hobby and fully non-professionally (as I wish it would be forever) I carry about the joy of playing music is not disturbed by the concience of the mistakes. The repertuar of my performances contains poetry, sea songs and hiker's songs. I do not follow radio or disk performances.

Photography is supported by the wish of memorize and share the reality seen from my particular viewpoint and also is accompanying me since long years. I also consider the photography in a non-professional way, and do not participate in exhibitions or competitions, simply having fun with what I am doing. Certainly, I cannot imagine an excursion without the camera. The technology of motion pictures interested me recently - saying the througth, more than recording the reality excites me the film post-production, mastering and sound effects with use of computer. I also use the Surround sound that goes well using the standard stereo recording channels.  

Sometimes the world around becomes very familiar and emerges a need for a longer trip. The essential is not to visit the distant paces, but to discover other landscape, other people and habits. Other aspects of the reality that enriches my viewpoint. And, as usualy, the range of impressions is very wide. There is no ideal country, community or so. Some things are the most beautiful... in Poland!

Music is influencing my emotions much more than the image. Therefore never too much of good music. This notion can be interpreted in many of ways - for me the keypoint is the intention of the artist. I reject those whos only aim is to be exceptional or vulgar. On my disk shelf Beethoven is close to Jarre, The Beatles are placed near Whitney Houston and Pod Budą near Nat King Cole. All these artists (and many others) have their five minutes of my consideration. Recently I was inspired by the possibility of software reconstruction of the archive records. Certainly, nothing will brig back the lost data, but it gives pleasure to listen again to the renovated vinyl on the top at my age of schoolboy.

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