Tasks proposers: Akademia Górniczo – Hutnicza w Krakowie – Wydział Odlewnictwa (Faculty of Foundry Engineering of the AGH University of Science and Technology); Instytut Odlewnictwa w Krakowie (Foundry Research Institute of Krakow); Instytut Metalurgii Żelaza (Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy of Gliwice).

Co-ordinator: Prof. Józef S. Suchy

The proposed research programme for the FOUNDRYMET alliance addresses issues connected with the development of new materials and manufacturing technologies from metals and alloys. Works will be comprehensive ranging from a basic investigation, distribution of structures and states of new material, development of semi-industrial manufacturing process to the development of a tentative ready-products manufacturing technology for industrial implementation. A different area of research will be demonstrated by the provision of services aimed at other scientific centres and the industry, especially small and medium enterprises, which do not have their own R&D base.
The main goal of the proposed RI is to create a coherent national structure of institutions that will be a base of European RI to support the road map of interdisciplinary research and development of knowledge-based advanced and innovative materials and technologies based on complex studies of high-temperature materials properties, phenomena and processes with emphasis put on the high-temperature investigations of materials in liquid state.
Educational processes at the Faculty of Foundry Engineering of the AGH University of Science and Technology provided by a newly-formed international knowledge centre for foundry engineering and metallurgy, with its new laboratory base, will lead to the unrestricted dissemination of results of the industrial investigation and research. The full access to these forms of education will preserve the effects of the project.
The third compatible element of the knowledge alliance consists in building a line for semi-industrial simulation of new metal and alloy products manufacturing processes, which will be a link between the outcome of theoretical and laboratory-based studies and industrial technologies.