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Kinetics of steam gasification of bituminous coals in terms of their use for underground coal gasification

Porada Stanisław  Czerski Grzegorz  Dziok Tadeusz  Grzywacz Przemysław  Makowska Dorota
Fuel Processing Technology
Year   Vol. Number Pages
2015  130  2   282-291
Impact Factor
Abstract in the main language of the article
Keywords in the main language
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Title in the additional language
Abstract in the additional language
The kinetics of steamgasification was examined for bituminous coals of a low coal rank. The examined coals can be the raw material for underground coal gasification. Measurements were carried out under isothermal conditions at a high pressure of 4 MPa and temperatures of 800, 900, 950, and 1000°C. Yields of gasification products such as carbonmonoxide and carbon dioxide, hydrogen andmethane were calculated based on the kinetic curves of formation reactions of these products. Also carbon conversion degrees are presented. Moreover, calculations were made of the kinetic parameters of carbon monoxide and hydrogen formation reaction in the coal gasification process. The parameters obtained during the examinations enable a preliminary assessment of coal for the process of underground coal gasification.
Keywords in the additional language
High pressure kinetics of coal gasification with steam  Underground coal gasification  Coals for gasification assessment      
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