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Studies of catalytic coal gasification with steam

Porada Stanisław  Rozwadowski Andrzej  Zubek Katarzyna     
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology
Year   Vol. Number Pages
2016  18  3   97-102
Impact Factor
Abstract in the main language of the article
Keywords in the main language
zgazowanie  kataliza  węgiel  termowolumetria    
Title in the additional language
Abstract in the additional language
One of the promising processes, belonging to the so-called clean coal technologies, is catalytic coal gasification. The addition of a catalyst results in an increased process rate, in which synthesis gas is obtained. Therefore, the subject of this research was catalytic gasifi cation of low-ranking coal which, due to a high reactivity, meets the requirements for fuels used in the gasifi cation process. Potassium and calcium cations in an amount of 0.85, 1.7 and 3.4% by weight were used as catalytically active substances. Isothermal measurements were performed at 900°C under a pressure of 2 MPa using steam as a gasifying agent. On the basis of kinetic curves, the performance of main gasifi cation products as well as carbon conversion degree were determined. The performed measurements allowed the determination of the type and amount of catalyst that ensure the most effi cient gasifi cation process of the coal ?Piast? in an atmosphere of steam.
Keywords in the additional language
gasification  catalyst  coal  thermovoulmetry    
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