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Gałaś A., Lewińska P., Aguilar R., Nowak Ł. 2023 – Remote sensing data applied to the reconstruction of volcanic activity in the Valley of the Volcanoes, Central Volcanic Zone, Peru. Journal of Geodynamics, 156


Gałaś A., Németh K., Lewińska P., 2022 – Constraints on the nature and evolution of the volcanic fields of the Andahua Group, Central Volcanic Zone, southern Peru. Geological Quarterly, 66: 25


Tyc A., Gaidzik K., Ciesielczuk J., Masías P., Paulo A., Postawa A., Żaba J., 2022 –Termal springs and active fault network of the central Colca River basin, Western Cordillera, Peru. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 424


Gałaś A., Haghighat-Khah R.E., Cuber P., Benavente M., Gorfinkiel D., Gałaś S., 2022 –The impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Halting Sustainable Development in the Colca y Volcanes de Andagua UNESCO Global Geopark in Peru – Prospects and Future. Sustainability, 14(7)


Gałaś A., Majka J., Włodek A., 2021. Origin of andradite in the Quaternary volcanic Andahua Group, Central Volcanic Zone, Peruvian Andes. Mineralogy and Petrology.


Gaidzik K, Więsek M., 2021. Seismo-lineaments and potentially seismogenic faults in the overriding plate of the Nazca-South American subduction zone (S Peru). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 109


Lewińska P., Gałaś A., 2021. Use of structure-from-motion algorithms for geomorphological analyses of simple volcanic structures: A case study of Chilcayoc Chico and four other volcanoes of the Andahua Group, Peru. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 107


Gaidzik K., Żaba J., Ciesielczuk J., 2020 –Tectonic control on slow-moving Andean landslides in the Colca Valley, Peru. Journal of Mountain Science 17, 1807-1825


Paulo A., Ciesielczuk J., Racki G., Żaba J., Gaidzik K., 2019 – Środowisko sedymentacji i domniemane źródło materiału detrytycznego w górnokredowej formacji red-bed Ashua (Peru). Przegląd Geologiczny 67 (3): 189-191.


Gałaś A., Paulo A., Gaidzik K., Zavala B., Kalicki T., Churata D., Gałaś S., Mariño J., 2018 – Geosites and Geotouristic Attractions Proposed for the Project Geopark Colca and Volcanoes of Andagua, Peru. Geoheritage 10, 707-729


Gałaś S., Gałaś A., Benavente M., Tyszer M.2018.  Forecast of environmental impact of tourism development in the Geopark Colca and Andagua Volcanoes in the southern Peru. Conference: Public recreation and landscape protection – with hand in hand…, Department of Landscape Management FFWT, Mendel University in Brno, 2-3 may: 186-191.


Gałaś A., Tyszer M., Gałaś S., 2018.  Using GIS to predict potential environmental conflicts in the Colca and Andagua Volcanoes Geopark (Peru). Conference: Public recreation and landscape protection – with hand in hand…, Department of Landscape Management FFWT, Mendel University in Brno, 2-3 may: 424-428.


Gałaś A., Gałaś S., 2017.  Conditions of development of volcanic attractions in the planned Colca and Andagua Volcanoes Geopark in Southern Peru. Conference: Public recreation and landscape protection – with hand in hand…, Department of Landscape Management FFWT, Mendel University in Brno, 1-3 may: 63-68.


Kukulak J., Paulo A., Kalicki T., 2016. Lithology of the lacustrine deposits in the Colca Valley. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 69: 152-170. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2016.03.008


Gałaś A., 2014. Petrology and new data on the Geochemistry of the Andahua volcanic group, (Central Andes, southern Peru). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 56: 301-315. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2014.09.012.


Paulo A., Gałaś A., Gałaś S., 2014 –Planning the Colca Canyon and Valley of the Volcanoes National Park in South Peru. Environmental Earth Sciences, vol.71, no. 3, 1021-1032. DOI 10.1007/s12665-013-2506-9


Gałaś A., 2013.  Charakterystyka grupy wulkanicznej Andahua w południowym Peru. Wydawnictwa AGH Rozprawy Monografie, tom 281.


Żaba J., Małolepszy Z., Gaidzik K., Ciesielczuk J., Paulo A., 2013. Faults network in the Rio Colca valley between Maca and Pinchollo, Central Andes, Southern Peru. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 82, 3: 279-290.


Ciesielczuk J., Żaba J., Bzowska G., Gaidzik K. & Głogowska M., 2012. Sulphate efflorescences at the geyser near Pinchollo, southern Peru. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 42, 186-193. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2012.06.016.


Gałaś A., 2011. The extent and volcanic structures of the Quaternary Andahua Group, Andes, southern Peru. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae vol.81, no.1: 1-19.


Gałaś, A., & Gałaś, S., 2011 – Landscape – functional valorisation and sustainable development in the Valley of the Volcanoes in Peru. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 20, 4A: 67-71

PDF – A.Galas & S.Galas

Paulo A., Gałaś A., 2011 – Polska Wyprawa Naukowa do Peru. Przegląd Geologiczny, 59 (1): 58-68.


Paulo A., Gałaś A., 2008 (red.) – Polskie badania w Kanionie Colca i Dolinie Wulkanów. Kwartalnik AGH Geologia, tom 34, zeszyt 2/1, 242.

PDF – kwartalnik

Gałaś A., Paulo A., 2005 – Karłowate wulkany formacji Andahua w południowym Peru. Przegląd Geologiczny, 53 (4): 320-326


Paulo A., Gałaś A., 2005 – Epitermalne złoża złota i srebra w okolicy Orcopampa i Caylloma, południowe Peru. Prz. Geol., 53 (8): 639-648.


Prace dyplomowe

Gałaś A. 2024. Geological conditions of the volcanism of the Andahua Group in Peru (Central Volcanic Zone) – morphological, tectonic and petrological study. habilitation thesis, AGH University of Krakow

Tyszer M. 2017. Analiza przestrzenna zmian środowiska na terenie projektowanego obszaru chronionego Kanionu Colca w Peru. praca magisterska Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. St. Staszica w Krakowie

Sosnal A. 2018. Petrographical analysis and eruption style of Puca Mauras Volcano in Peru. Engineering Project, AGH University of Mining & Metalurgy in Krakow

Walaszek K. 2018. The mineralogical- petrographical characteristics of polymetallic ores from the Madrigal inactive mine in Peru. Engineering Project, AGH University of Mining & Metalurgy in Krakow