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94. Piotr Augustyniak, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz "Web-based architecture for ECG interpretation service providing automated and manual diagnostics", Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 2007 vol. 27 number 1/2 str. 233-241, (pdf 353k)
95. Ryszard Tadeusiewicz Piotr Augustyniak, "Analysis of human eye movements during the plot inspection as a tool for assessment of local informative value of the 12-lead ECG" Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 2007 vol. 27 number 1/2 str. 233-241, (pdf 306k)
96. Piotr Augustyniak "Optimal Coding of Vectorcardiographic Sequences Using Spatial Prediction" IEEE Trans. on Information Technology in Biomedicine Vol. 11 No. 3, str. 305-311, (pdf 920k)
97. Piotr Augustyniak "Reliability-Based Rearrangement of ECG Automated Interpretation Chain", The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology July 2007: 7 Suppl 1; 148-52, (pdf 121k)
98. Piotr Augustyniak "Task-Dependent Adaptability of Remote Recorder in a Cardiac Surveillance Network", Proceedings of the WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering 2007, paper 183(pdf 205k)
99. Piotr Augustyniak "Separating Cardiac and Muscular ECG Components Using Adaptive Modelling in Time-Frequency Domain" Proceedings of the WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering 2007, paper 184 (pdf 324k)
100. Piotr Augustyniak "Request-Driven ECG Interpretation Based on Individual Data Validity Periods". Proceedings of the 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference Lyon, Francja, 2007, str. 3777-3780, (pdf 238k)
101. Piotr Augustyniak "Scanpath-Based Analysis of Objects Conspicuity in Context of Human Vision Physiology" Proceedings of the 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference Lyon, Francja, 2007, str. 4572-4575,
(pdf 570k)
102. Piotr Augustyniak "Ekstrakcja wiedzy kardiologa metodą ukrytej ankiety" Krajowa Konferencja Biocybernetyka i inżynieria Biomedyczna
(pdf 403k)
103. Piotr Augustyniak "Adaptacja oprogramowania interpretacyjnego do stanu pacjenta i celów diagnostycznych
" Krajowa Konferencja Biocybernetyka i inżynieria Biomedyczna
(pdf 106k)
104. Piotr Augustyniak "Modeling the Adaptive Telemedical System with Continuous Data-Dependent Quality Control" Konferencja Systems Modelling Control, Zakopane 2007,
(pdf 846k)
105. Piotr Augustyniak "Validation of Automatic ECG Processing Management in Adaptive Distributed Surveillance System" [w:] M. Kurzyński et al. (red.) Computer Recognition Systems, str. , Springer Verlag, 2007, str. 574-580
(pdf 207k)
106. Piotr Augustyniak "The use of human-derived preference factors in auto-adaptive ECG interpretation software" Proceedings of 9th International Centre of Biocybernetics Seminar on "Trends in development of new sensors and sensing systems for clinical diagnosis", 2007, str. 31
(pdf 8k)
107. Łukasz Kowacki, Piotr Augustyniak "Implementation of wavelet compression of the electrocariogram in signal processor" Journal of Medical Informatics and Technologies vol. 11/2007 str. 147-153
(pdf 159k)
108. Anna Kikta, Piotr Augustyniak "Comparing methods of ECG respiration signals derivation based on measuring the amplitude of QRS complexes" Journal of Medical Informatics and Technologies vol. 11/2007 str. 155-163.
(pdf 219k)