Curicullum Vitae Tomasz Bartuś
Tomasz Bartuś
Personal information
Name and surname
Tomasz Bartus Ph.D.
ul. Gen. Filipowicza 8/33
Kraków, 30-059
Date of birth
February 27, 1972
Marital status
married, two children
Work experience
Dates (from-to)
Name and address of employer
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Department of the General Geology and Geotourism, Al. Mickiewicz 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
researcher, academic teacher
Main activities and responsibilities
conducting classes for students, researches in the field of earth sciences
Dates (from-to)
Name and address of employer
Seka S.A. Kraków
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Training courses for Excel 2010 for employees of the MOTA ENGIL Central Europe Company.
Dates (from-to)
Name and address of employer
Wszechświat. Nature Journal, 31-118 Kraków, ul. Podwale 1
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Journal editor, Website designer and contractor
Main activities and responsibilities
Design, create and administration of the Wszechświat Journal web portal
Dates (from-to)
Name and address of employer
AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection.
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Websites designer and contractor
Main activities and responsibilities
Design and create several web portals based on PHP and the MySQL database i.e. "Internet student recording system for the faculty classes in WGGiOS AGH".
Dates (from-to)
Name and address of employer
Techniczne Zakłady Naukowe w Dąbrowie Górniczej, Zespól Szkól Aktywnych Zawodowo w Dąbrowie Górniczej, Zespół Szkół Aktywnych Zawodowo w Dąbrowie Górniczej i Rudzie Śląskiej
Type of business or sector
Secondary education
Occupation or position held
Teacher, treiner
Main activities and responsibilities
conducting practical, field classes for pupils in the environmental engineering, geology, topography, environmental protection.
Dates (from-to)
Name and address of employer
Oknoplast S.A.
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Websites designer and contractor
Main activities and responsibilities
Create a design and implementation of the Oknoplast company's website.
Dates (from-to)
Name and address of employer
many firms
Type of business or sector
works at heights
Occupation or position held
altitude employee
Main activities and responsibilities
maintenance of the buildings and machines
Education and training
Dates (from-to)
Name and type of organisation
provclassing education and training
AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection.
Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
GIS, statistical and geostatistical lignite qualitative parameters analysis, data bases.
Disstertation subject
Statistical variability models of the lignite qualitative parameters in the central part of the Belchatów deposit.
Title of qualification awarded
Ph.D. in earth sciences with a specialization in mineral deposits geology.
Name and type of organisation
provclassing education and training
AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection.
Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
Educational excellence study for the AGH assistants.
Title of qualification awarded
Permission to teach at universities
Name and type of organisation
provclassing education and training
Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków.
Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
Course of administration IRIX and HP UNIX O.S.
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
provclassing education and training
IDRISI Centre, Departament of GIS, Cartography and Remote Sensing , Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University.
Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
Use of the satellite imaginery in the natural environment changes studies
Title of qualification awarded
Dates (from-to)
Name and type of organisation
provclassing education and training
AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection.
Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
GIS, remote sensing, havy metals distribution in the soil analysis.
Disstertation subject
Distribution of the heavy metals in the soil Oswiecim area with applying Geographic Information Systems.
Title of qualification awarded
Master of Science, Engineer; field of study: Mining Engineering and Geology; specialization: Environmental Protection.
Dates (from-to)
Name and type of organisation
provclassing education and training
Technical school of Chemistry in Oswiecim.
Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
Electronic machines and numerical systems.
Disstertation subject
The system for testing the semiconductor RAM memories.
Title of qualification awarded
IT technician; specialization: electronics.
Prizes and awards
Name and type of the price and award
The third degree of the Scientyfic Rector AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków Award.
Name and type of the price and award
Distinction of the Ph.D. dissertation.
Dates (from-to)
Name and type of the price and award
Academic scholarship.
Personal skills and competences
Statistical data analysis
Knowledge of the statistical and geostatistical data analysis methods and aplications (Statistica, Geoeas, Variowin, Surfer, GS+). Parameters variability analysis, isolinear mapping method (i.e. Kroging, IDW)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Knowledge of the Geographic Information Systems and remote sensing methods and aplication (Geomedia Professional, Geomedia Grid, Idrisi, ArcGis, ER Mapper, Fragstat). Design and development of GIS, digitizing maps.
Data bases
Knowledge of the problems of projects, development and database administration (MS Access, MySQL)
Knowledge Unix/Linux operating systems, administration, shell programing.
Web design
Knowledge of the XHTML, PHP, Flash, ActionScript, MySQL and some other Internet technologies, ability to design, create and administration of the web php based portals.
Social and organizational skills and competences
Dates (from-to)
Name and type of the skill and competence
Deputy director and project manager of the research project: "The Sudetic Geostrada - Geological and landscape study with inventory of inanimate nature heritage objects".
Dates (from-to)
Name and type of the skill and competence
The member of the faculty council of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection.
Dates (from-to)
Name and type of the skill and competence
Teaching experience:
- Dynamic Geology,
- Mathematical Geology,
- Geographic Information Systems
- Geological Cartography,
- Computer Graphics,
- MS Excel,
- MS Access,
- Statistics and Probability Raport,
- Web Pages Design,
- Multimedia technologies in the Promotion and Tourism Information,
- Informatics Systems in Tourism,
- Practise Field Geology,
Dates (from-to)
Name and type of the skill and competence
Private tutoring in geological mapping.
Participation in research projects
Dates (from-to)
Name of the project/grant
The Catalogue of Geotourist Sites in nature reserves and monuments
Customer/ Financial support
Ministry of the Environment/ National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
Research project No.
523/2010/Wn-50/FG-GO-TX/D (
Project responsibilities
geological field works, geosites documentation, geosites scientific description
Dates (from-to)
Name of the project/grant
The Sudetic Geostrada - Geological and landscape study with inventory of inanimate nature heritage objects
Customer/ Financial support
Ministry of the Environment/ National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
Research project No.
490/2008/Wn-06/FG-bp-tx/D (
Project responsibilities
Project management, collect of the data, project of the geosites database, GIS project, making and edition of the geotourist maps the Sudety Mts. (55 sheets of maps in the scale of 1:25 000), making and edition of the topographic maps with tourists and geosites informations of the Sudety Mts. (55 sheets of maps in the scale of 1:25 000), geosites location maps (43 sheets of maps in the scale of 1:10 000).
Dates (from-to)
Name of the project/grant
Elaboration of innovatory methods of detection of hydrocarbon deposits and recognizing of deposits structure and its alternation during exploitation with use of deep and medium range electromagnetic surveys
Customer/ Financial support
Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Research project No.
162/R/T02/2007/IT1 (
Project responsibilities
GIS magnetotellurics data analysis.
Dates (from-to)
Name of the project/grant
The Catalogue of the geosites and geotouristic objects (Poland)
Customer/ Financial support
Ministry of the Environment/ National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
Research project No.
655/2004/Wn-06/FG-go-tx/D (
Project responsibilities
geological field works, geosites documentation, geosites scientific description
Dates (from-to)
Name of the project/grant
Recording and cataloguing of natural geological hazard (especially landslclasses and other geodynamical phenomena) in Poland
Customer/ Financial support
Ministry of the Environment/ National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
Research project No.
Project responsibilities
design and construction of the natural geological hazards database
Dates (from-to)
Name of the project/grant
Methodology of the resource and lignite qualitative estimation of the Belchatów lignite deposit (Belchatów and Szczerców fields) with use the geostatistical kriging procedure
Customer/ Financial support
The Belchatów lignite mine
Research project No.
Project responsibilities
statistical and geostatistical data analysis, geostatistical variability modeling, mapping
Dates (from-to)
Name of the project/grant
Statistical variability models of the lignite deposit parameters of the Belchatów lignite Mine
Customer/ Financial support
The Polish Scientific Research Commitet
Research project No.
Project responsibilities
statistical data analysis, mapping
Dates (from-to)
Name of the project/grant
Geostatistical analysis of the main lignite qualitative parameters of the Belchatów lignite deposit
Customer/ Financial support
The Belchatów Lignite Mine
Research project No.
Project responsibilities
statistical and geostatistical data analysis, mapping
Dates (from-to)
Name of the project/grant
The numerical geological map of the Karpaty Mts. in South from the Rzeszów
Customer/ Financial support
Polish Oil and Gas Company
Research project No.
Project responsibilities
collect of the data, implementation of the GIS project, map editing
Additional skills and informations
Driving licence(s)
category "B"
paraglclassing, climbing, caving, photography, history, computers