Stratiform deposits - exploration techniques, data analysis and interpretation, geological modelling, resource calculation
AGH will organize a short course dedicated to the stratiform deposits, with the main focus on exploration techniques, data analysis and interpretation, geological modelling and resource calculation. During the course participants will get familiar with MineScape software. The course will be led by Władysław Zygo (AGH) together with mining consultant specializing in MinesScape software and will be organized on 17th-19th December 2020.
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Stakeholder engagement in exploration and mining
Stakeholder engagement and social licence to operate is one of the most important aspects in exploration and mining projects. The geology student and newly graduated geologist working on the field are often one of the first person´s encountering the local stakeholders (residents, shopkeepers etc.). Therefore, field geologists are key persons in creating positive image of the respective company for the local stakeholders.
The course will be led by Dr. Leena Suopajärvi (University of Oulu) and will start on 30th October 2020.
GEOVIA Surpac modelling software in mining course
The short course is organized within the EXplORE MSc exchange program and is open for students from LTU (Sweden), UniOulu (Finland), AGH (Poland) and TUBAF (Germany). Target of the course is to teach basics of GEOVIA Surpac software, and give an idea of different tasks, phases and methods involved in geological modelling and mine design. The course covers following topics among others: drillhole data and database, solid modelling, geostatistics, blockmodeling, pit optimisation and open pit design.
Registration deadline: latest Wednesday 7.10.2020 View More
Novel methods of geophysical exploration of mineral deposits
TU Bergakademie Freiberg in collaboration with Umwelt- und Ingenieurtechnik GmbH Dresden is organizing a online Short Course focused on novel methods of geophysical exploration applied to mineral deposits.
The course consist of two parts:
1. Seismic and Rock Physics for Reservoir/Deposit-Quality Prediction
2. Borehole Geophysics explained by case studies for U and general ore exploration

Applied field exploration - Practical mapping course in the Skellefte mining district, Sweden
Do you want to increase your skills in field mapping in VMS settings? The EXplORE course Applied Field Exploration provides training in a number of thematic mapping modules, such as structural geology, volcanic stratigraphy, alteration mapping, geophysical surveying and drill core logging. For 2020, we have developed an online version of the course, utilizing photogrammetric outcrops models and practicals using geochemical and structural data in a GIS environment. The first course module focuses on structural mapping and will be released on 11 October.
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Target generation in exploration course
Oulu Mining School (Uni.Oulu) in collaboration with Luleå University of Technology and Geovista AB is organizing a course related to the initial target generation in exploration. Course is organized within EIT RM Academy funded EXplORE project in collaboration with EIT RM funded MAP-project. During the course, student groups will choose on area of interest based on the metal(s) they choose to target. Areas are predetermined and represent different types of mineral potential areas from Finland and Sweden. Students will compile a theoretical literature review of the mineral systems and current models, and download the necessary datasets from freely available resources as well as resources provided in the course platform. Using GIS softwares (ArcGIS or QGIS) and/or geochemical plotting softwares (e.g. IoGAS), student will intergrate different types of datasets (geophysical, geochemical, geological) in order to select targets within their selected areas. Interpretations of potential target areas include evaluation from not only geological perspectives, but also taking into account the social aspect and possible challenges related to the different stakeholders in their respective area. Course is held remotely and is intended to MSc level student in the field of geosciences.
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Applied field exploration - Practical mapping course in the Skellefte mining district, Sweden
The short course organized within the EXplORE MSc exchange program and open for students from LTU (Sweden), UniOulu (Finland), AGH (Poland) and TUBAF (Germany). Practical field mapping exercises covering various topics of field methodology will include: sampling techniques, characterization of structures, characterization of volcanic and sedimentary facies, alteration mapping and geophysical surveying methods.
Due to the COVID-19 situation the short course was cancelled.
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Mineral deposits of Ukraine - future source of selected raw materials for Europe?
Ukraine is one of the biggest country in Europe with very diverse geology. During free webinar organized by AGH University of Science and Technology within EIT RM EXplORE project we will focus on selected mineral deposits occuring in Ukraine. Following types of mineral deposits will be discussed during the lecture:
• Black metallurgy (Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni)
• Ti - deposits
• Base metals deposits (Cu, Zn, Pb)
• Critical metals (Nb, Ta, Sc, Zr, PGM’s and REE deposits)
• Gold deposits
• Graphite deposits
• Uranium deposits
Registration deadline is June 30, 2020.

Entrepreneurship in mineral exploration and PERC Code reporting
TU Bergakademie Freiberg is organizing an online webinar "Entrepreneurship in mineral exploration and PERC Code reporting" held
by Jim Coppard (CGeol, EurGeol).
In the context of this online webinar essential skills for young geologists working in exploration targeting in combination with a presentation on the career options for Geo's - what makes an excellent Mining- and Exploration Geologist are the focus of the first day. On June 25th successful exploration methods for the targeting of the Sakatti Ni-Cu-PGE deposit in northern Finland and the Rakkurjärvi IOCG deposit south of Kiruna in Sweden will be addressed. Furthermore, the PAN-EUROPEAN RESERVES & RESOURCES REPORTING COMMITTEE (PERC) Code and its role for setting standards for public reporting of exploration results, mineral resources, and mineral reserves by companies listed on markets in Europe will be presented. Information presented in the course shall be addressed and evolved by discussions during the lectures.
Registration deadline is June 22, 2020.

EXplORE Online Webinar:
Strategies and technologies for exploration targeting
As part of the EXplORE Master Programme in Exploration funded by EIT Raw Materials, Beak Consultants GmbH is proud to host the free Online Webinar about "Strategies and technologies for exploration targeting".
2 part webinar will cover the following topics:
• Identification and evaluation of exploration targets
• Sampling and drilling technologies
• Initial data processing
• Cause and efficiency of geochemical barriers for ore formation
• Mineral predictive mapping using AI methods
• Metallogeny of the Erzgebirge/ Germany

Exploration for sediment hosted Cu-Ag deposit
Sediment hosted copper deposits are very important source of copper and other elements e.g. lead, sil-ver, cobalt, nickel, gold, PGM, selenium, rhenium.
One of their world class example is located in SW corner of Poland: after 55 years of active mining in the Lubin area there is still 1.2 Gt of ore grading 0.8-1.7% Cu and 40-60 g/t Ag.
Following topics will be discussed in the lecture:
• History of deposit discovery
• Geological environments of metal concentrations, sedimentary versus epigenetic.
• Genesis, source of metals
• Factor controlling mineral zonation
• Basic exploration factors based on data from Poland and some international projects from Peru and Colombia.
• Sample presentation and explanation

Application of Re-Os isotope system in Economic geology study
As many ore minerals host considerable amount of Re and Os, the Re-Os isotope system can be applied directly to study the ore-forming processes, including the timing and the source of metals. In addition, due to the different behavior during the crust-mantle fractionation, the Re-Os isotope between mantle and crust developed large contrast which makes it sensitive to trace the interaction between mantle and crustal derived materials. This isotope system has been widely utilized to study a large variation of mineral deposits including diamond, mafic-ultramafic igneous rocks related sulfide and oxide, porphyry, VMS, orogenic gold, and black shale hosted deposits.
In the lecture, the principles of the Re-Os isotope system and its application in the study of economic geology will be introduced. The advantage and disadvantage of different minerals, and the recent development of analytical techniques and their challenge will also be covered.

IoGAS Re-Wired
We are ongoing an online advanced IoGAS course with Nick Oliver of HCOV, Nick Cook of Mawson resources and James Cleverly of IMDEX. There are a couple of places secured for students enrolled in the MSc pograms tied to EXplORE at LTU, AGH, TUBAF and OMS – free-of-charge.
This is a unique opportunity; send an E-mail to Nick Oliver CC to Nils Jansson, stating that you are an EXplORE student, and a 2-3 line motivation why you want to participate.

Paleoproterozoic massive sulphide deposits of Sweden – ore geology and exploration
Sweden is the most important producer of Zn and Pb and the second largest producer of Ag in the EU28. These metals are mainly produced from metamorphosed and deformed Palaeoproterozoic massive sulphide deposits in Skellefte and Bergslagen mining districts. This short course provides and overview of the tectonic setting of these deposits including their regional structural and stratigraphic context, key deposit characteristics and exploration history. Much of the exploration success during the last 100 years has resulting from an interplay between conceptual geological modeling, technological innovation and entrepreneurship. The short course will also review some of these success stories.

Applied field exploration - Practical mapping course in the Skellefte mining district, Sweden
The short course is organized within the EXplORE MSc exchange program and is open for students from LTU (Sweden), UniOulu (Finland), AGH (Poland) and TUBAF (Germany). Practical field mapping exercises covering various topics of field methodology will include: sampling techniques, characterization of structures, characterization of volcanic and sedimentary facies, alteration mapping and geophysical surveying methods.
The course will be led by Tobias Bauer (LTU), Nils Jansson (LTU) and geologists and geophysicists from Geovista. It was postponed and will take place in the Central Skellefte district on August 24th-28th, 2020.
GEOVIA Surpac modelling software in mining course
The short course is organized within the EXplORE MSc exchange program and is open for students from LTU (Sweden), UniOulu (Finland), AGH (Poland) and TUBAF (Germany). Target of the course is to teach basics of GEOVIA Surpac software, and give an idea of different tasks, phases and methods involved in geological modelling and mine design. The course covers following topics among others: drillhole data and database, solid modelling, geostatistics, blockmodeling, pit optimisation and open pit design.
Due to the current COVID-19 situation the short course will be postponed to autumn this year.

Applications of structural geology in mineral exploration and mining
University of Oulu is organizing a short course providing an overview of structural geology and field techniques for more comprehensive understanding and characterization of structural controls on mineralization. One of the main aims is to provide examples of application of structural geology in exploration and mining industry. Short course will be led by Dr Tobias Bauer (LTU) and will take place from the 6th October until 7th October 2020.
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Stratiform deposits - exploration techniques, data analysis and interpretation, geological modelling, resource calculation
AGH is organizing a short course dedicated to the stratiform deposits, with the main focuse on exploration techniques, data analysis and interpretation, geological modelling, resource calculation. The course will be led by Władysław Zygo (AGH) and Andrzej Gądek (mining consultant, MinesScape software expert) and will take place from the 25th October until 27th October 2019. The deadline for registration is October the 15th 2019.
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Applications of structural geology in mineral exploration and mining
AGH is organizing a short course providing an overview of structural geology and field techniques for more comprehensive understanding and characterization of structural controls on mineralization. One of the main aims is to provide examples of application of structural geology in exploration and mining industry. Short course will be led by Dr Tobias Bauer (LTU) and will take place from the 17th October until 18th October 2019.
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Stakeholder engagement in exploration and mining
Stakeholder engagement and social licence to operate is one of the most important aspects in exploration and mining projects. The geology student and newly graduated geologist working on the field are often one of the first person´s encountering the local stakeholders (residents, shopkeepers etc.). Therefore, field geologists are key persons in creating positive image of the respective company for the local stakeholders. During the course, various aspects of stakeholder engagement and gaining social license to operate during exploration and mining projects will be covered through expert lectures (Docent Leena Suopajärvi) and industry specialists (Anglo American Sakatti, Mawson Oy).
The course will be led by Docent Leena Suopajärvi (University of Lapland), Janne Kinnunen (Mawson Oy), Eerika Tapio (AA Sakatti Mining Oy) and will start in Oulu on 31st October 2019.

Potash and Rare Metal Deposits - from exploration targeting to production and beyond
TUBAF is organizing a short course on Potash and Rare Metal deposits which will be held by Prof. S. Zeibig from K+S AG (potash and salt mining Company) and Prof. Dr. Th. Seifert (Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg) from the 07th August until 10th August 2019. The course will include lectures as well as different mine visits in
Thuringia (potash underground mine) and Saxony (Sn-W, Li-Sn and Sn-Ag
mines as well as exploration sites). The number of participants is
limited to 28 M.Sc. students. The deadline for registration is July the 9th 2019. A detailed daily schedule with the
topics on the different days are following soon.

Paleoproterozoic massive sulphide deposits of Sweden – ore geology and exploration
Sweden is the most important producer of Zn and Pb and the second largest producer of Ag in the EU28. These metals are mainly produced from metamorphosed and deformed Palaeoproterozoic massive sulphide deposits in Skellefte and Bergslagen mining districts. This short course provides and overview of the tectonic setting of these deposits including their regional structural and stratigraphic context, key deposit characteristics and exploration history. Much of the exploration success during the last 100 years has resulting from an interplay between conceptual geological modeling, technological innovation and entrepreneurship. The short course will also review some of these success stories.

Gold deposits with atypical metal associations in northern Finland: Rompas-Rajapalot Au-Co deposit in the Peräpohja belt
Finland host several gold occurrences, resembling orogenic gold deposits, but with metal associations (Co, Ag, Cu, Ni, Sb) that do not fit into traditional classification scheme. One of the most promising occurrences are located in the Paleoproterozoic Peräpohja belt. Rompas-Rajapalot Au-Co deposits occur at the northern part of the Peräpohja belt, near the contact between Central Lapland Granitoid Complex.
The talk is given by Dr. Jukka-Pekka Ranta (University of Oulu) and will take place in Luleå on May 13th-17th, 2019.. First part of the talk will focus on introducing orogenic gold deposit class, characteristics of orogenic gold and why cobalt, copper and other specific elements do not fit into the traditional classification scheme.
GEOVIA Surpac modelling software in mining
The short course is organized within the EXplORE MSc exchange program and is open for students from LTU (Sweden), UniOulu (Finland), AGH (Poland) and TUBAF (Germany). Target of the course is to teach basics of GEOVIA Surpac software, and give an idea of different tasks, phases and methods involved in geological modelling and mine design. The course covers following topics among others: drillhole data and database, solid modelling, geostatistics, blockmodeling, pit optimisation and open pit design.
The course will be led by Petteri Somervuori (WSP Finland), Hanna Mönkkönen (WSP Finland and Marko Moilanen (Oulu Mining School) and will take place in Oulu on May 13th-17th, 2019.

Practical mapping course in the Skellefte mining district, Sweden
The short course is organized within the EXplORE MSc exchange program and is open for students from LTU (Sweden), UniOulu (Finland), AGH (Poland) and TUBAF (Germany). Practical field mapping exercises covering various topics of field methodology will include: sampling techniques, characterization of structures, characterization of volcanic and sedimentary facies, alteration mapping and geophysical surveying methods.
The course will be led by Tobias Bauer (LTU), Nils Jansson (LTU) and geologists and geophysicists from Geovista. It will take place in the Central Skellefte district on June 10th-14th, 2019. Registration deadline: 30th May, 2019.

Fusing geochemistry and structural geology for exploration, mining and research
One of the major challenges in modern exploration is integrating large datasets of structural and lithogeochemical data. Far too often, such datasets are treated separately, leading to that their full potential for finding new mineral deposits is left untapped.
This topic was addressed by Prof. Nick Oliver in the short course “Fusing geochemistry and structural geology for exploration, mining and research”, which was given at Luleå University of Technology 24-25 May.