Registration for IWOGL 2016
The registration is closed now, the deadline for registration was June 30.
Conference fee: PLN700 /PLN800 (early/regular), 175EUR/200EUR, 200USD/230USD.
It includes: reception, conference dinner, coffee breaks and conference materials and excursion.
- Thursday Reception ticket for accompanying person: PLN85 (20EURO or $23USD)
- Friday Trip ticket for accompanying person: PLN150 (35EURO or 40USD)
- Friday Dinner ticket for accompanying person: PLN150 (35EURO or 40USD)
The following payment methods are accepted:
- bank direct transfer to: Bank PeKaO SA; Swift: PKOPPLPW;
IBAN account: PL96 1240 4722 1111 0000 4858 2922;
annotation: "IWOGL2016 720.420.4308"
The exchange rates in November 2015:
1 USD = 3.7780 PLN
1 EUR = 4.2344 PLN
See also
current exchange rates.
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