Labolatorium Techniki Mikrofalowej
Prowadzący - biografia
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        Dr. eng. Jerzy Kral  graduated from Electronics Faculty at the Warsaw University of Technology (M. Sc. degree) where he specialized in radar technology, in 1971. Next for nearly 3 years he was working at Polish Radio Transmitter Centers in Leszczynka (emissions for abroad) and in Central Radio Station - Raszyn near Warsaw, gaining experience in radioelectronics.

        During 1974-75 he worked at Polish Earth Satellite Station in Psary near Kielce, where he also was responsible for microwave low noise amplifiers cooled by liquid nitrogen.

        In 1984 he received doctoral degree (Ph.D.E.E.) from Electronics Department of University of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow for work in the field of microwave mixers which, as one of the first, presented application of harmonic balance method to transistor mixers.

        In the years 1989-91 he was working as a lecturer (in French) at university INES de Tiaret in Algeria where he also was a supervisor of  M. Sc. theses.

        In the period 1992-98 he cooperated with universities in France (Evry and Paris) and in Portugal (Coimbra) in RF and microwave circuit designing.

         Since 1984 Dr. Kral has been an Assistant Professor in Electronics Institute of University of Mining and Metallurgy. He elaborated end delivered lecturers and laboratories mainly in the range of  radioelectronics.  Now he gives lecturers on “Microwave Technology” and “Fundamentals of Wireless Communications” for which he created laboratories as well.  He also lectures for postgraduate (Ph.D.) students on “Chosen Subjects of  Microwave Theory and Techniques”.

         He has published a few dozen scientific and technical papers mostly in the range of RF  and microwave circuits.

        The field of his interests includes analysis and design of  RF and microwave circuits, digital modulations of wireless systems and analogue radioelectronics circuits and systems.

        Nowadays he is a member of  Microwave Section of Electronics and Telecommunications Committee of  Polish Academy of  Science.


Polski   English Informacje   Biografia   Publikacje

Dr inż. Jerzy KRAL
Pawilon C3 / pok. 403
Tel.: (12) 617 27 09


Jerzy Kral

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