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Shale Gas Water Management—Experiences From North America

added: 15th March 2014
Poland Section of Society of Petroleum Engineers want to invite you for lecture given by SPE Distinguished Lecturer John Veil, from Veil Environmental.
The Lecture will be given at AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Al. Mickiewicza 30, building A-4, room 3, on 20 March 2014 at 12:00.
Production of shale gas requires large volumes of water for preparing drilling and fracturing fluids. Following the completion of the fracturing job, some of the injected water returns to the surface as flowback and produced water and must be managed appropriately. This lecture discusses water availability for several major US shale plays and describes the types of water management technologies and practices used in North America for flowback and produced water.
John Veil is the president of Veil Environmental. He has written many reports and given numerous presentations on produced water, flowback water, hydraulic fracturing, and shale gas. Veil has 33 years of experience in water management.
Distinguished Lecturer Program started in 1961 with three lecturers the Distinguished Lecturer Program is funded primarily by the SPE Foundation through member donations and a contribution from Offshore Europe. We also appreciate the companies that allow their professionals to serve as lecturers and the additional support from AIME. More than 450 presentations are offered each year, and each section can receive up to three lectures per year.
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