<bibtex> @Book {Hunter2000,

author =       {Jason Hunter, Wiliam Crawford},
title =        {Java Servlet Programowanie},
publisher =    {Helion},
year =         {2002},

} @Book{Bergsten2003,

author = 	 {Hans Bergsten},
title = 	 {Java Server Pages},
publisher = 	 {O'Reilly},
year = 	 {2003},

} @Book{Sun2002,

author = 	 {Sun Microsystems},
title = 	 {The J2EE Tutorial},
publisher = 	 {Sun Microsystems},
url =          {http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/docs/tutorial/doc/},
year = 	 {2002},


@book{Bochenek2005, author = {Adam Bochenek}, title = {Prosty Przepis na J2EE}, year = {2005}, publisher = {MICOM}, url = {http://ksiegarnia.pwn.pl/4770_pozycja.html}, }


author = 	 {Bill Burke, Richard Monson-Haefel},
title = 	 {Enterprise JavaBeans™ 3.0},
publisher = 	 {O'Reilly},
year = 	 {2006},
url =          {http://www.empik.com/enterprise-javabeans-3-0-ksiazka,2635783,p},


@book{Fleury2005, author = {Mark Fleury, Scott Stark, Richards Norman}, title = {JBoss 4.0: The Official Guide}, publisher = {Sams Publishing}, year = {2005}, url = {http://www.aragon.pl/77110-jboss-40-podrecznik}, }

@book{Yuan2007, author = {Michael Yuan, Thomas Heute}, title = {JBox Seam : simplicity and power beyond Java EE}, publisher = {Prentice Hall}, year = {2007}, url = {http://www.michaelyuan.com/blog/seam-next-gen-web-framework/} }

@book{Flanagan2008, author = {David Flanagan, Yukihiro Matsumoto}, title = {The Ruby Programming Language}, publisher = {O'Reilly}, year = {2008}, url = {http://www.empik.com/the-ruby-programming-language-z-importu,3053297,p} }


author = 	 {David A. Black},
title = 	 {Ruby for Rails},
publisher = 	 {Manning Publications Co.},
year = 	 {2006},
url =          {http://www.manning.com/black/},



author = 	 {Justin Williams},
title = 	 {Rails Solution, Ruby on Rails Made Easy},
publisher = 	 {Apress},
year = 	 {2007},



author = 	 {Dave Thomas, Chad Fowler, Andy Hunt},
title = 	 {Programowanie w języku Ruby},
publisher = 	 {Helion},
year = 	 {2007},
url =          {http://helion.magazyn.pl/Programowanie-w-jezyku-Ruby-Wydanie-II/PRRUBY/ksiazka.html},

} @book{Holzner2008,

author = 	 {David A. Black},
title = 	 {Holzner Steven},
publisher = 	 {Helion},
year = 	 {2008},
url =          {http://helion.magazyn.pl/Ruby-on-Rails-Od-podstaw/RUBYOP/ksiazka.html},



author = 	 {Danny Goodman, Michael Morrison},
title = 	 {JavaScript Bible},
publisher = 	 {Wiley},
year = 	 {2007},
url =          {http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470069163,descCd-description.html},



author = 	 {Anthony Holdener},
title = 	 {Ajax: The Definitive Guide},
publisher = 	 {O'Reilly},
year = 	 {2008},
url =          {http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596528386/},



author = 	 {Mozilla Developer Center},
title = 	 {Core JavaScript 1.5 Reference},
publisher = 	 {Mozilla},
year = 	 {2008},
url =          {http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference},



publisher = 	 {owasp},
author = 	 {owasp},
title = 	 {The 10 Most Critical Web Application Security Vulnerabilities},
year = 	 {2008},
url =          {http://www.owasp.org},



publisher = 	 {Projekt: Opracowanie programów nauczania na odległość na kierunku studiów wyższych – Informatyka},
title = 	 {Studia Informatyczne},
year = 	 {2008},
url =          {http://wazniak.mimuw.edu.pl/index.php},


  • user/konrad/teaching/courses/agh/tpwww/about/bibtex/all.txt