
Matematyka, metody numeryczne

  • Czajka, Gołaś – Inżynierskie metody analizy numerycznej i planowanie eksperymentu – książka dostępna po zalogowaniu się na konto BG AGH,
  • Wackerly, Mendenhall, Scheaffer – Mathematical statistics with applications,
  • Evans – Partial Differential Equations,
  • Butcher – Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations,
  • Greenberg – Applications of Green’s Functions in Science and Engineering,
  • Greenberg – Foundations of Applied Mathematics,
  • Boas - Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences,
  • Friedman – Principles and techniques of applied mathematics,
  • Strauss – Partial Differential Equations - An Introduction,
  • Farlow – Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers,
  • Arfken, Weber, Harris – Mathematical Methods for Physicists. A Comprehensive Guide,
  • Simmons – Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes,

Mechanika płynów (również komputerowa)

  • Anderson – Computational Fluid Dynamics,
  • Anderson – Fundamentals of Aerodynamics,
  • Versteeg, Malalasekera – An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics,
  • Toro – Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics,
  • Moukalled, Mangani, Darwish – The Finite Volume Method in Computational Fluid Dynamics. An Advanced Introduction with OpenFOAM® and Matlab,
  • White – Fluid Mechanics,
  • Pope – Turbulent Flows,
  • Van Dyke – An Album of Fluid Motion,
  • Ferziger, Perić – Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics


  • Suder, Gołaś, Filipek – Wprowadzenie do Akustyki Użytkowej,
  • Morse, Ingard – Theoretical Acoustics,
  • Rienstra, Hirschberg – An Introduction to Acoustics,
  • Wagner – Large Eddy Simulations for Acoustics,
  • Crighton (et al.) – Modern Methods in Analytical Acoustics. Lecture Notes,
  • Morse, Ingard – Theoretical Acoustics,
  • Blake – Mechanics of Flow-Induced Sound and Vibration,
  • Bergman – Computational Acoustics. Theory and Implementation,
  • Kaltenbacher – Computational Acoustics,
  • Goldstein – Aeroacoustics,
  • Howe – Theory of Vortex Sound,
  • Glegg, Devenport – Aeroacoustics of Low Mach Number Flows Fundamentals, Analysis, and Measurement,
  • Miller, Farassat - Theoretical Aeroacoustics: Compiled Mathematical Derivations of Fereidoun ‘Feri’ Farassat,
  • Munjal - Acoustics of Ducts and Mufflers,
  • Tam – Computational Aeroacoustics. A Wave Number Approach.

Metoda elementów skończonych

  • Langtangen, Linge – Finite Difference Computing with PDEs,
  • Langtangen, Mardal – Introduction to Numerical Methods for Variational Problems,
  • Larson, Bengzon – The Finite Element Method: Theory, Implementation, and Applications,
  • Logg, Mardal, Wells, et al. – Automated Solution of Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method. The FEniCS Book,


  • Sweigart – Automate the Boring Stuff With Python,
  • Grinberg – Flask Web Development. Developing Web Applications with Python,
  • DeBarros – Practical SQL,
  • Prata – Język C++ Szkoła Programowania,
  • Ward – Jak działa Linux. Podręcznik Administratora,
  • Shotts - Linux. Wprowadzenie do wiersza poleceń,
  • Borkowski, Przybylski– LaTeX. Ksiązka Kucharska,
  • Swaroop – Byte of Vim,